Frontfire Core
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DOM, style and event handling with extra comfort!
The Frontfire Web Frontend Toolkit offers essential styles and effects combined with a consistent set of interactive widgets and layout utilities. It is suitable for web pages and web applications that need a modern and consistent look and feel and use responsive design to work on all devices and screen sizes. All interactions are fully touch-aware and work with any type of pointing device.
Frontfire Core is the foundation of the entire Frontfire toolkit. Its Frontfire class aims to provide simpler access to the JavaScript DOM features with less code. The class works in a similar way as jQuery by selecting and collecting elements through its constructor function and applying operations on all selected elements. This approach lets you work with a number of elements without explicit loop code.
Unlike jQuery, however, the Frontfire API is much closer to the original DOM API. Many of its properties and methods have the same name and behaviour as in the native Node and Element classes. Also, not every Node or Element member is mirrored in Frontfire, because the web lives and changes quickly and Frontfire doesn’t want to stand in the way of web API progress. You can mix native and Frontfire code naturally and it looks very similar. This also means that there is very little chaining of method calls possible. What leads to more code than with jQuery also allows you to use your existing knowledge of native web APIs and only make use of Frontfire where it adds value.
Most of us have used jQuery at some point in the past. It was a great way to fill in the missing parts of the native DOM API and worked in every browser. But jQuery has kind of grown to its own complete language and framework, and element properties or events even lived inside their own bubble. jQuery and non-jQuery do not play well together.
Over the years, the native DOM API has caught up quite a bit. Not only have all modern browsers implemented the standards very closely, they also provided methods that were previously only available in jQuery in a concise form. Most tasks can now be done with plain JavaScript and are really not that complicated. Many have come to the conclusion that jQuery may not be needed anymore and newer frameworks have dropped dependencies on it.
The first version of Frontfire was made as a jQuery plugin. To remove that dependency of around 40 KiB minified and compressed size, Frontfire 2 provides the lower DOM access layer itself. This is Frontfire Core, a small convenience library that allows about the same comfort, closer to native APIs, at 12 KiB size. It already includes the elementary plugin infrastructure that Frontfire brought to jQuery (around 1 KiB). And since its elements collection core is powered by the ArrayList class (as seen in the many inherited methods, in italic type in the side overview), all Frontfire users get a comfortable and comprehensive array collection class included for free!
Application code should normally not store or pass around Frontfire instances but only native elements. This makes element handling a lot simpler in many places as it is clear what type to expect. Also, comparing element objects is intuitive, whereas Frontfire instances (like jQuery instances) are only wrappers that change with each creation. You can use all native element APIs directly, and always shift to the Frontfire API with a single “F” extension property that is added to all Nodes. (This is the only change to existing prototypes.) It allows using Frontfire methods on an Element with minimal effort and clutter.
The only exception to this recommended use of Frontfire objects is collections of elements. Since neither HTMLCollection nor NodeList can be constructed, the only way to transport multiple elements is by an Array. None of the DOM API methods return an Array though, so a Frontfire collection instance that has already been created to select elements might well be used here. Such variable names can usually be recognised by their plural form.
Frontfire objects can be turned back into their native Node object (the first in the collection) with the “first” property. Other collection access properties exist, e.g. “last”.
jQuery compatibility is also provided by the Frontfire’s “$” property and the same “F” extension property added to all jQuery objects.
These interop properties are only available when the window.jQuery
property is set at the time of loading Frontfire Core.
This can be achieved by loading the jQuery script file before Frontfire (and not asynchronously or deferred).
As a modern JavaScript library, this code is compatible with the following environments:
- Firefox 62 and later (released 2018-09)
- Chrome 70 and later (released 2018-10, and browsers derived thereof)
- Safari 12 and later (released 2018-09; by spec; little tested due to the lack of Apple hardware)
The following requirements apply to most parts of Frontfire UI:
- Firefox 82 and later (released 2020-10)
- Chrome 88 and later (released 2021-01, and browsers derived thereof)
- Safari 14 and later (released 2020-09; by spec; little tested due to the lack of Apple hardware)
Earlier versions may work for a limited feature set. The vastly outdated and now abandoned Internet Explorer is explicitly incompatible with this code. Should you be stuck in the past for whatever reason, a transpiler like Babel and a few polyfills might help you out.
This library is released under the terms of the MIT licence. See the complete licence text in the code repository for details.
This documentation lists all public members of the Frontfire class. The available parameters are listed for each method, describing which of them are optional or alternative in which combination. The description explains the behaviour and parameter requirements. The return value is shown after the arrow. A link to the native DOM or jQuery class method is provided where there’s great similarity in their function.
A few examples further describe the usage and effect of a method. More examples of inherited methods can often be found at the description of the base class method.
The members are categorised and can be searched (just type ahead). The search also uses aliases for many entries. Start the search text with an equals sign (=) to ignore aliases. Start the search text with the ^ sign to also only find names starting with the search term. Start the search text with the at sign (@) to search by source plugins. Press Escape to reset the search.
Frontfire, F
new Frontfire(selector)
→ Frontfirenew Frontfire(nodes)
→ Frontfirenew Frontfire(html)
→ FrontfireFrontfire(…)
→ Frontfirenew F(…)
→ FrontfireF(…)
→ Frontfire
Creates a new Frontfire instance that contains the nodes that were selected by the CSS selector, that were specified in an iterable, or that were created from the specified HTML code.
The use of the new
keyword is optional.
F is an alias for Frontfire that is weakly defined, i.e. it will not overwrite an existing definition in the global scope (window object).
→ Frontfire
The F property for Array instances provides access to the additional features implemented in Frontfire.
The array must only contain Node items.
These F extension properties are the only additions to other prototypes made by this library.
is a shortcut for: new Frontfire(array)
See also: Frontfire.array, Frontfire.toArray() (reverse operation)
→ Frontfire
The F property for ArrayList instances provides access to the additional features implemented in Frontfire.
The array must only contain Node items.
These F extension properties are the only additions to other prototypes made by this library.
is a shortcut for: new Frontfire(arrayList)
See also: Frontfire.array, Frontfire.toArray(), Frontfire.L (reverse operation)
→ Frontfire
The F property for HTMLCollection instances provides access to the additional features implemented in Frontfire.
These F extension properties are the only additions to other prototypes made by this library.
is a shortcut for: new Frontfire(nodes)
See also: NodeList.F, Frontfire.array, Frontfire.toArray(), Frontfire.F
→ Frontfire
The F property for Node instances provides access to the additional features implemented in Frontfire.
These F extension properties are the only additions to other prototypes made by this library.
is a shortcut for: new Frontfire(node)
See also: Frontfire.first, Frontfire.F
→ Frontfire
The F property for NodeList instances provides access to the additional features implemented in Frontfire.
These F extension properties are the only additions to other prototypes made by this library.
is a shortcut for: new Frontfire(nodes)
See also: HTMLCollection.F, Frontfire.array, Frontfire.toArray(), Frontfire.F
Instance properties
Inherited from: ArrayList
→ Array
Gets the internal array of the Frontfire instance. This property cannot be written.
The returned array is the actual object used by the Frontfire instance to collect Nodes. Any changes done to this array will also be reflected in the Frontfire instance.
See also: Frontfire.toArray()
→ this
The F property for other types is also available for Frontfire instances. This allows simply using that operator without type-checking a variable first. It simply returns the same instance and does not allocate any memory, so it is generally safe and efficient to use.
See also: Node.F, NodeList.F, HTMLCollection.F
Inherited from: ArrayList
→ Node
Gets or sets the first selected Node. If there is no first Node, undefined is returned.
This is an alternative to: frontfire.array[0]
or frontfire.get(0)
This property returns a Node, not a Frontfire instance containing the first node which would be the behaviour of the jQuery.first() method.
To retrieve a Frontfire instance containing the first selected node, use .take(1)
→ ArrayList
Gets a new ArrayList instance wrapping the internal array of the Frontfire instance. This property cannot be written.
The returned array is the actual object used by the Frontfire instance to collect Nodes. Any changes done to this array will also be reflected in the Frontfire instance.
This is an alternative to: new ArrayList(frontfire.array)
See also: Frontfire.array, Frontfire.toArray(), ArrayList.F (reverse operation)
Inherited from: ArrayList
→ Node
Gets or sets the last selected Node. If there are no Nodes selected, undefined is returned and setting the property throws an error.
This is an alternative to: frontfire.array[frontfire.length - 1]
or frontfire.get(-1)
This property returns a Node, not a Frontfire instance containing the last node which would be the behaviour of the jQuery.last() method.
To retrieve a Frontfire instance containing the last selected node, use .takeLast(1)
Inherited from: ArrayList
→ Number
Gets the number of selected Nodes. This property cannot be written.
This returns the same value as: frontfire.array.length
See also: jQuery.length
Inherited from: ArrayList
→ Node
Gets or sets the second selected Node. If there is no second Node, undefined is returned.
This is an alternative to: frontfire.array[1]
Tree access properties
→ Number
Gets the total number of child elements of all selected Nodes. This property cannot be written.
See also: Element.childElementCount
→ Frontfire
Gets all child nodes of all selected Nodes. This property cannot be written.
See also: Node.childNodes
→ Frontfire
Gets or sets all child elements of all selected Nodes.
See also: Element.children, jQuery.children(), Element.replaceChildren()
→ Frontfire
Gets the closest positioned parent element of the first selected Node.
An element is positioned if its position
style property is set to another value than "static".
If no positioned parent was found, null is returned.
This property cannot be written.
→ Proxy (setter: Object)dataset(key)
→ Anydataset(key, value)
→ thisdataset(keysValuesObject)
→ this
Gets a proxy that gets the dataset of the first selected Node, or sets the dataset of all nodes. If there are no Nodes selected, undefined is returned for each data access and setting the property does nothing. All dataset key names are converted to camelCase automatically. Note that the DOM dataset can only contain string values. Setting any other value type (except null) will convert it to a string implicitly.
Difference from DOM API:
Setting the value null
will actually remove the entry whereas the DOM API will set the string “null” instead.
Sets the keys and values of the object in the dataset of all selected Nodes.
The proxied object is a function that can also be called directly. When the function is called as a setter, it returns the original Frontfire instance for call chaining. This usage is not recommended, see Method chaining variants.
See also: HTMLElement.dataset,, Frontfire.datasetJSON
→ Proxy (setter: Object)datasetJSON(key)
→ AnydatasetJSON(key, value)
→ thisdatasetJSON(keysValuesObject)
→ this
Gets a proxy that gets the JSON-interpreted dataset of the first selected Node, or sets the JSON-interpreted dataset of all nodes. If there are no Nodes selected, undefined is returned for each data access and setting the property does nothing. All dataset key names are converted to camelCase automatically. The DOM dataset can only contain string values so any value assigned with this property is run through JSON.stringify() and the values retrieved with this property are run through JSON.parse(). If a dataset string value is the empty string, null is returned. Setting null removes the dataset entry.
Sets the keys and values of the object in the dataset of all selected Nodes. See the dataset property for examples.
The proxied object is a function that can also be called directly. When the function is called as a setter, it returns the original Frontfire instance for call chaining. This usage is not recommended, see Method chaining variants. See the dataset property for examples.
See also: HTMLElement.dataset,, Frontfire.dataset
→ Frontfire
Gets the first child node (including non-elements) of each selected Node. This property cannot be written.
See also: Node.firstChild
→ Frontfire
Gets the first child Element of each selected Node. This property cannot be written.
See also: Element.firstElementChild
→ Number
Gets the index of the first selected Node among its siblings. If no element is selected, -1 is returned. This property cannot be written.
See also: jQuery.index()
→ String
Gets the concatenated HTML content of all selected Nodes, or sets the HTML content of each selected Node. If there are no Nodes selected, an empty string is returned and setting the property does nothing.
See also: Element.innerHTML, jQuery.html(), Frontfire.html()
→ Frontfire
Gets the last child node (including non-elements) of each selected Node. This property cannot be written.
See also: Node.lastChild
→ Frontfire
Gets the last child Element of each selected Node. This property cannot be written.
See also: Element.lastElementChild
→ Frontfire
Gets the next sibling Element of each selected Node. This property cannot be written.
See also: Element.nextElementSibling,
→ Frontfire
Gets all distinct following sibling Elements of all selected Nodes. This property cannot be written.
See also: jQuery.nextAll()
→ Frontfire
Gets the next sibling node (including non-elements) of each selected Node. This property cannot be written.
See also: Node.nextSibling,
→ Frontfire
Gets all distinct following sibling nodes (including non-elements) of all selected Nodes. This property cannot be written.
See also: jQuery.nextAll()
→ String
Gets the unchanged name of the first selected Node. In HTML documents, this is written in upper-case. In XML documents (including SVG and XHTML), the name casing is as in the document. This property cannot be written.
See also: Node.nodeName
→ String
Gets the lower-case name of the first selected Node. This property cannot be written.
See also: Frontfire.nodeName
→ String
Gets the concatenated HTML of all selected Nodes, or sets the HTML of each selected Node. If there are no Nodes selected, an empty string is returned and setting the property does nothing.
See also: Element.outerHTML
→ Frontfire
Gets the parent element of the first selected Node. If the first selected Node has no parent, null is returned. This property cannot be written.
See also: Node.parentElement, jQuery.parent()
→ Frontfire
Gets the parent node of the first selected Node. If the first selected Node has no parent, null is returned. This property cannot be written.
See also: Node.parentNode
→ Frontfire
Gets all distinct ancestor elements of all selected Nodes. This property cannot be written.
See also: jQuery.parents()
→ Frontfire
Gets the preceding sibling Element of each selected Node. This property cannot be written.
See also: Node.previousElementSibling, jQuery.prev()
→ Frontfire
Gets all distinct preceding sibling Elements of all selected Nodes. This property cannot be written.
See also: jQuery.prevAll()
→ Frontfire
Gets the preceding sibling node (including non-elements) of each selected Node. This property cannot be written.
See also: Node.previousSibling, jQuery.prev()
→ Frontfire
Gets all distinct preceding sibling nodes (including non-elements) of all selected Nodes. This property cannot be written.
See also: jQuery.prevAll()
→ Frontfire
Gets all distinct sibling elements of all selected Nodes, not including the selected Node itself (unless it is a sibling of another selected Node). This property cannot be written.
See also: jQuery.siblings()
→ String
Gets the concatenated text content of all selected Nodes, or sets the text content of each selected Node. If there are no Nodes selected, an empty string is returned and setting the property does nothing.
See also: Node.textContent, jQuery.text(), Frontfire.text()
Style access properties
→ Number
Gets the computed border box height of the first selected Node, or sets the border box height of all selected Nodes, in pixels. If there are no Nodes selected, 0 is returned and setting the property does nothing. The value is unaffected by the element’s box-sizing and will be compensated for as necessary. The border box size includes the element’s content, padding and border.
See also: HTMLElement.offsetHeight, jQuery.outerHeight(), Frontfire.paddingHeight, Frontfire.contentHeight, Frontfire.borderWidth
→ Number
Gets the computed border box width of the first selected Node, or sets the border box width of all selected Nodes, in pixels. If there are no Nodes selected, 0 is returned and setting the property does nothing. The value is unaffected by the element’s box-sizing and will be compensated for as necessary. The border box size includes the element’s content, padding and border.
See also: HTMLElement.offsetWidth, jQuery.outerWidth(), Frontfire.paddingWidth, Frontfire.contentWidth, Frontfire.borderHeight
→ Number
Gets the bottom location of the first selected Node in the document, considering its border height, in pixels. If there are no Nodes selected, 0 is returned. Note that this is the rendered position that may be affected by CSS transforms.
See also: jQuery.offset(),, Element.getBoundingClientRect()
→ Boolean
Gets a value indicating whether all selected Nodes are checked, or sets the checked property of all selected Nodes.
If there are no Nodes selected, false is returned.
If a Node does not support the checked
property, its attribute with the same name is accessed.
Triggers the “checkedchange” event for each Node if the state was changed.
See also: Element.checked
→ Object
Gets an object with methods to manage the CSS classes of the selected Nodes. The methods and properties in the returned object are described separately below.
Sets the CSS classes of all selected Nodes and overwrites all existing classes. Only strings with one or more space-separated class names as well as arrays with each one or more space-separated class names are accepted.
See also: Element.classList
→ void
Adds class names to the selected Nodes. The class names can be specified as space-separated string, array (iterable), multiple arguments, or any combination thereof.
See also: Element.classList.add(), jQuery.addClass(), Frontfire.addClass()
→ Boolean
Determines whether any of the selected Nodes has all of the specified class names. The class names can be specified as space-separated string, array (iterable), or any combination thereof. If there are no Nodes selected, false is returned.
See also: Element.classList.contains(), jQuery.hasClass()
→ voidforEach(action, thisArg)
→ void
Calls a function once for each class name in the selected Nodes. The callback function gets three arguments:
- The class name
- Its index in the array
- The entire array to iterate
If thisArg is set, it is assigned to this
when executing the callback function.
The parameter semantics is the same as the Array.forEach() method.
See also: Element.classList.forEach()
→ Number
Gets the number of distinct classes of the selected Nodes. If there are no Nodes selected, 0 is returned.
→ void
Removes class names from the selected Nodes. The class names can be specified as space-separated string, array (iterable), multiple arguments, or any combination thereof.
See also: Element.classList.remove(), jQuery.removeClass(), Frontfire.removeClass()
replace(oldClass, newClass)
→ Boolean
Replaces a class name with a new class name in the selected Nodes. Returns a value indicating whether the oldClass was replaced in any of the selected Nodes.
See also: Element.classList.replace()
→ Array
Returns an Array of the distinct class names in the selected Nodes.
→ Booleantoggle(classNames, force)
→ Boolean
Toggles class names on the selected Nodes. The class names can be specified as space-separated string, array (iterable), or any combination thereof. If the force parameter is set to true or false, it forces the classes to always be added or removed instead of toggled. Returns a value indicating whether all classes are set in all selected Nodes after the operation.
See also: Element.classList.toggle(), jQuery.toggleClass(), Frontfire.toggleClass()
→ Style
Gets the computed style of the first selected Node. If there are no Nodes selected, an error is thrown. This property cannot be written.
See also: Window.getComputedStyle()
→ Number
Gets the computed content box height of the first selected Node, or sets the content box height of all selected Nodes, in pixels. If there are no Nodes selected, 0 is returned and setting the property does nothing. The value is unaffected by the element’s box-sizing and will be compensated for as necessary. The content box size includes the element’s content, but not the padding and border.
See also: jQuery.height(), Frontfire.borderHeight, Frontfire.paddingHeight, Frontfire.contentWidth
→ Number
Gets the computed content box width of the first selected Node, or sets the content box width of all selected Nodes, in pixels. If there are no Nodes selected, 0 is returned and setting the property does nothing. The value is unaffected by the element’s box-sizing and will be compensated for as necessary. The content box size includes the element’s content, but not the padding and border.
See also: jQuery.width(), Frontfire.borderWidth, Frontfire.paddingWidth, Frontfire.contentHeight
→ Boolean
Gets a value indicating whether all selected Nodes have the dark theme (CSS class from Frontfire UI).
An element uses the dark theme if itself or any parent has the dark
CSS class and no intermediate parent has the not-dark
CSS class.
If there are no Nodes selected, false is returned.
Added in v2.1.0
→ Boolean
Gets a value indicating whether all selected Nodes are disabled, or sets the disabled property of all selected Nodes.
If there are no Nodes selected, false is returned.
If a Node does not support the disabled
property, its attribute with the same name is accessed.
Triggers the “disabledchange” event for each Node if the state was changed.
Setting this property will also set it on the parent or referenced <label>
In the Frontfire UI form layout, it will also find the previous sibling with the “label” class up on the level of the “form-row” class.
Setting this property on <a>
elements stashes and restores the href
attribute to fully disable the hyperlink.
See also: Element.disabled
→ Color
Gets the effective background colour of an element, considering all parents for non-opaque colours.
Requires the Color class and returns a Color
Added in v2.1.0
→ Boolean
Gets a value indicating whether all selected Nodes are effectively visible. A node is considered visible if it has dimensions and its computed "visibility" style is "visible". If there are no Nodes selected, false is returned. This property cannot be written.
→ Number
Gets the computed height of the first selected Node, or sets the height property of all selected Nodes.
Getting the property returns a number in pixels.
Setting the property accepts a number in pixels, or any string that is allowed for the height
If there are no Nodes selected, 0 is returned and setting the property does nothing.
The value is affected by the element’s box-sizing.
See also: Style.height, HTMLElement.offsetHeight, jQuery.height(), Frontfire.borderHeight, Frontfire.paddingHeight, Frontfire.contentHeight, Frontfire.width
→ Number
Gets the left location of the first selected Node, or sets the left location of all selected Nodes, relative to the document, in pixels. If there are no Nodes selected, 0 is returned and setting the property does nothing. Note that this is the rendered position that may be affected by CSS transforms.
See also: Style.left, jQuery.offset(),, Element.getBoundingClientRect()
→ Number
Gets the computed padding box height of the first selected Node, or sets the padding box height of all selected Nodes, in pixels. If there are no Nodes selected, 0 is returned and setting the property does nothing. The value is unaffected by the element’s box-sizing and will be compensated for as necessary. The padding box size includes the element’s content and padding, but not the border.
See also: jQuery.innerHeight(), Frontfire.borderHeight, Frontfire.contentHeight, Frontfire.paddingWidth
→ Number
Gets the computed padding box width of the first selected Node, or sets the padding box width of all selected Nodes, in pixels. If there are no Nodes selected, 0 is returned and setting the property does nothing. The value is unaffected by the element’s box-sizing and will be compensated for as necessary. The padding box size includes the element’s content and padding, but not the border.
See also: jQuery.innerWidth(), Frontfire.borderWidth, Frontfire.contentWidth, Frontfire.paddingHeight
→ Boolean
Gets a value indicating whether all selected Nodes are readonly, or sets the readonly property of all selected Nodes.
If there are no Nodes selected, false is returned.
If a Node does not support the readonly
property, its attribute with the same name is accessed.
Triggers the “readonlychange” event for each Node if the state was changed.
If a Node does not support the readonly
property but instead the disabled
property, that property is accessed instead and the “disabledchange” event might be triggered.
See also: Element.readonly
→ Object
Gets the location and border size of the first selected Node in the document. Note that this is the rendered position that may be affected by CSS transforms. This property cannot be written. The returning object has the following keys:
: The left location in the document, in
: The top location in the document, in pixels.width
: The computed border box width, in pixels.height
: The computed border box height, in pixels.right
: The sum ofleft
, i.e. the left location of the right edge.bottom
: The sum oftop
, i.e. the top location of the bottom edge.
See also: jQuery.offset(), jQuery.outerWidth(), jQuery.outerHeight()
→ Number
Gets the right location of the first selected Node in the document, considering its border width, in pixels. If there are no Nodes selected, 0 is returned. Note that this is the rendered position that may be affected by CSS transforms.
See also: jQuery.offset(), Frontfire.left, Element.getBoundingClientRect()
→ Boolean
Gets a value indicating whether all selected Nodes (in the Frontfire collection) are selected, or sets the selected property of all selected Nodes.
If there are no Nodes selected, false is returned.
If a Node does not support the selected
property, its attribute with the same name is accessed.
Triggers the “selectedchange” event for each Node if the state was changed.
See also: Element.selected
→ Proxy (setter: Object)style(key)
→ Stringstyle(key, value)
→ thisstyle(keysValuesObject)
→ this
Gets a proxy that gets the style of the first selected Node, or sets the style of all nodes. If there are no Nodes selected, undefined is returned for each style access and setting the property does nothing. All style key specifications are converted to camelCase automatically.
Sets the keys and values of the object in the style of all selected Nodes.
The proxied object is a function that can also be called directly. When the function is called as a setter, it returns the original Frontfire instance for call chaining. This usage is not recommended, see Method chaining variants.
See also:, jQuery.css() (reads computedStyle instead)
→ Number
Gets the top location of the first selected Node, or sets the top location of all selected Nodes, relative to the document, in pixels. If there are no Nodes selected, 0 is returned and setting the property does nothing. Note that this is the rendered position that may be affected by CSS transforms.
See also:, jQuery.offset(), Frontfire.left, Element.getBoundingClientRect()
→ Boolean
Gets or sets a value indicating whether all selected Nodes are visible. A node is considered invisible (to the layout) if it has the style "display: none", and visible in all other cases. If there are no Nodes selected, false is returned.
See also:, jQuery.hide(), jQuery.toggle(),, Frontfire.hide(), Frontfire.toggle()
→ Number
Gets the computed width of the first selected Node, or sets the width property of all selected Nodes, in pixels.
Getting the property returns a number in pixels.
Setting the property accepts a number in pixels, or any string that is allowed for the width
If there are no Nodes selected, 0 is returned and setting the property does nothing.
The value is affected by the element’s box-sizing.
See also: Style.width, HTMLElement.offsetWidth, jQuery.width(), Frontfire.borderWidth, Frontfire.paddingWidth, Frontfire.contentWidth, Frontfire.height
Node selection methods
These instance methods retrieve one or more Nodes from the document.
→ Frontfireclosest(predicate)
→ Frontfire
Traverses each selected Node and its parents (heading toward the document root) until it finds a node that matches the CSS selector or satisfies a condition. Will return itself or the matching ancestor, with duplicates removed. If no matching element is found for a selected Node, it will not add to the returned collection. If no match was found, an empty collection is returned.
See also: Element.closest(), jQuery.closest()
→ Frontfire
Returns a list of the descendant elements within the selected Nodes that satisfy a condition. The predicate function is called for each Node with the node as its only argument. The node is included in the collection if the predicate function returns true. If no match was found, an empty collection is returned.
→ Frontfire
Reduces the selected Nodes to those that have a descendant that matches the CSS selector.
See also: jQuery.has()
→ Boolean
Determines whether all selected Nodes would be selected by the CSS selector, in other words, determines whether the element “is” the selector. If there are no Nodes selected, false is returned.
See also: Element.matches(),
→ Frontfire
Returns a list of the elements within the selected Nodes that are focusable (tabbable). If no match was found, an empty collection is returned.
See also: jQuery UI :focusable selector
→ Frontfire
Returns the first element within the selected Nodes that match the specified CSS selector. If the first selected Node has no match, the other selected Nodes are considered. If no match was found, null is returned.
See also: Element.querySelector()
→ Frontfire
Returns a list of the elements within the selected Nodes that match the specified CSS selector. If no match was found, an empty collection is returned.
See also: Element.querySelectorAll(), jQuery.find()
DOM methods
These instance methods insert or move elements in the document tree or change their visibility.
after(html, …)
→ thisafter(node, …)
→ thisafter(nodes, …)
→ this
Inserts the content after each selected Node. The content can be specified as an HTML string, a Node, or a collection of Node instances (in a NodeList, HTMLCollection, Array or ArrayList). Multiple arguments can be passed to insert each of them.
See also: Element.after(), Element.insertAdjacentElement("afterend"), jQuery.after()
animateFromTo(data, duration)
→ AnimationanimateFromTo(data, duration, easing)
→ AnimationanimateFromTo(data, duration, easing, keep)
→ Animation
Starts an animation of two keyframes on the first selected Node and returns the new Animation instance. If there are no Nodes selected, null is returned. The animation will run once and the keyframes are specified with their style property first and each the values to animate the element from and to. The animation uses the fill-mode “forwards” so that its final frame remains active.
The data parameter is an object that contains the CSS properties to animate and each an array of the start and end value of the animation. The duration of the animation is specified in milliseconds. The easing function defaults to the symmetric “ease-in-out”.
By default, the element will keep its final animation state. If the keep parameter is set to false, the animation’s effects will not be retained after the animation has completed playing. This can be used to display one-time effects on an element, e.g. as visual confirmation after an interaction.
This method runs the animation immediately and removes the need to set up CSS classes with a CSS transition and the use of forceReflow().
For more advanced animations, use the Element.animate() method or the Animation class directly.
See also: Element.animate()
append(html, …)
→ thisappend(node, …)
→ thisappend(nodes, …)
→ this
Inserts the content at the end of each selected Node. The content can be specified as an HTML string, a Node, or a collection of Node instances (in a NodeList, HTMLCollection, Array or ArrayList). Multiple arguments can be passed to insert each of them.
See also: Element.append(), Node.appendChild(), Element.insertAdjacentElement("beforeend"), jQuery.append()
→ thisappendTo(nodes)
→ this
Inserts the selected Nodes at the end of the target. The target can be specified as a Node or a collection of Node instances (in a NodeList, HTMLCollection, Array or ArrayList).
See also: Element.append(), Node.appendChild(), Element.insertAdjacentElement("beforeend") (reversed notation), jQuery.appendTo()
→ StringassignId(prefix)
→ String
Assigns the first selected Node a unique ID if none is set, and returns the element’s ID. This can be used to retrieve an element’s ID attribute but at the same time make sure the element actually has an ID.
A prefix for the new ID can be specified. If unset, “autoid” is used. The prefix is appended by the lowest numeric counter value that makes the ID unique, starting at 1.
before(html, …)
→ thisbefore(node, …)
→ thisbefore(nodes, …)
→ this
Inserts the content before each selected Node. The content can be specified as an HTML string, a Node, or a collection of Node instances (in a NodeList, HTMLCollection, Array or ArrayList). Multiple arguments can be passed to append each of them.
See also: Element.before(), Element.insertAdjacentElement("beforebegin"), jQuery.before()
→ Frontfire
Returns a clone, or duplicate, of the selected Nodes, including their subtrees but not including any event listeners.
For <template>
elements, their content will be cloned and all children will be collected in the returned instance.
The effect of this method differs from the base class ArrayList.clone().
To call the base class implementation, change the interface with the L property.
See also: Node.cloneNode()
Template special handling added in v2.1.0
→ this
Disables the selected Nodes.
This is an alternative to: nodes.F.disabled = true;
See also: Frontfire.disabled, Frontfire.enable()
→ this
Removes all children from the selected Nodes.
See also: Element.replaceChildren(), jQuery.empty()
→ this
Enables the selected Nodes.
This is an alternative to: nodes.F.disabled = false;
See also: Frontfire.disabled, Frontfire.disable()
→ Any
Gets an attribute value from the first selected Node. If the attribute does not exist or there are no Nodes selected, null is returned.
See also: Element.getAttribute(), jQuery.attr(), Frontfire.hasAttribute(), Frontfire.setAttribute(), Frontfire.removeAttribute()
→ Boolean
Determines whether all selected Nodes have the specified attribute (or all specified attributes). Multiple attribute names can be specified as space-separated string, array (iterable), multiple arguments, or any combination thereof. If there are no Nodes selected, false is returned.
See also: Element.hasAttribute(), Frontfire.getAttribute()
→ this
Hides the selected Nodes.
This is an alternative to: nodes.F.visible = false;
See also: Frontfire.visible, jQuery.hide(),, Frontfire.toggle()
→ thisinsertAfter(nodes)
→ this
Inserts the selected Nodes after the target. The target can be specified as a Node or a collection of Node instances (in a NodeList, HTMLCollection, Array or ArrayList).
See also: Element.after(), Element.insertAdjacentElement("afterend") (reversed notation), jQuery.insertAfter()
→ thisinsertBefore(nodes)
→ this
Inserts the selected Nodes before the target. The target can be specified as a Node or a collection of Node instances (in a NodeList, HTMLCollection, Array or ArrayList).
See also: Element.before(), Element.insertAdjacentElement("beforebegin") (reversed notation), jQuery.insertBefore()
moveTo(left, top)
→ this
Moves the selected Nodes to the specified position relative to the document. If a Node’s position style property is currently “static”, it will be set to “relative” to allow for this repositioning.
See also: jQuery.offset()
→ Object
Calls a function when the disabled state of any of the selected Nodes changes.
This applies to the disabled
HTML attribute of any element, which is usually also updated when setting the disabled
property of a supporting input element.
The callback function gets two arguments:
- The disabled state (boolean)
- The changed element
The return value is an object with methods to control the created MutationObserver instances:
: Stops the MutationObserver instances from receiving further notifications.
See also: MutationObserver
prepend(html, …)
→ thisprepend(node, …)
→ thisprepend(nodes, …)
→ this
Inserts the content at the beginning of each selected Node. The content can be specified as an HTML string, a Node, or a collection of Node instances (in a NodeList, HTMLCollection, Array or ArrayList). Multiple arguments can be passed to insert each of them.
See also: Element.prepend(), Element.insertAdjacentElement("afterbegin"), jQuery.prepend()
→ thisprependTo(nodes)
→ this
Inserts the selected Nodes at the beginning of the target. The target can be specified as a Node or a collection of Node instances (in a NodeList, HTMLCollection, Array or ArrayList).
See also: Element.prepend(), Element.insertAdjacentElement("afterbegin") (reversed notation), jQuery.prependTo()
→ this
Removes the selected Nodes from their parents.
The effect of this method differs from the base class ArrayList.remove().
To call the base class implementation, change the interface with the L property.
See also: Element.remove(), jQuery.remove()
→ this
Removes the selected Nodes that satisfy a condition from their parents. The predicate function gets three arguments:
- The Node
- Its index in the array
- The entire array (the internal Array instance)
The effect of this method differs from the base class ArrayList.removeAll().
To call the base class implementation, change the interface with the L property.
→ this
Removes the selected Node by index from its parent. If the index is negative, it is counted from the end, i.e. -1 is the last, -2 the second-last node, etc. If index is greater than the array length, nothing is removed. If the negative index points to a position before the start of the array, the first node is removed.
The effect of this method differs from the base class ArrayList.removeAt().
To call the base class implementation, change the interface with the L property.
→ this
Removes an attribute (or all specified attributes) from the selected Nodes. Multiple attribute names can be specified as space-separated string, array (iterable), multiple arguments, or any combination thereof.
See also: Element.removeAttribute(), jQuery.attr(), Frontfire.setAttribute(), Frontfire.getAttribute(), Frontfire.attr()
→ this
Removes the first selected Node from its parent (not the first child from selected Nodes).
The effect of this method differs from the base class ArrayList.removeFirst().
To call the base class implementation, change the interface with the L property.
See also: Frontfire.removeLast()
→ this
Removes the last selected Node from its parent (not the last child from selected Nodes).
The effect of this method differs from the base class ArrayList.removeLast().
To call the base class implementation, change the interface with the L property.
See also: Frontfire.removeFirst()
→ ArrayListremoveRange(start, count)
→ ArrayList
Removes many of the selected Nodes from their parents, specified by index and count. If the start is negative, it is counted from the end, i.e. -1 is the last, -2 the second-last node, etc. If count is omitted, all nodes from the start index to the end of the array are removed. If count is negative, the nodes until (excluding) the count index from the end of the array are removed, i.e. -1 keeps the last, -2 keeps the 2 last nodes, etc.
The effect of this method differs from the base class ArrayList.removeRange().
To call the base class implementation, change the interface with the L property.
→ thisreplaceWith(nodes)
→ thisreplaceWith(generator)
→ this
Replaces the selected Nodes with other content. The content can be specified as an HTML string, a Node, or a collection of Node instances (in a NodeList, HTMLCollection, Array or ArrayList). If existing Nodes are provided as new content and multiple Nodes are to be replaced, the source Nodes will be moved to the first target and then cloned from the second target on. Alternatively, the new content can be returned by a generator function that is called with the replaced Node as argument and returns the new content as HTML string, Node, or Nodes collection.
See also: Element.replaceWith(), jQuery.replaceWith()
setAttribute(name, value)
→ this
Sets an attribute on the selected Nodes. Multiple attribute names can be specified as space-separated string, array (iterable), multiple arguments, or any combination thereof.
The value is converted to a string, so setting null
will not remove the attribute (as in jQuery) but set it to the string “null”. Use the removeAttribute() method instead.
See also: Element.setAttribute(), jQuery.attr(), Frontfire.getAttribute(), Frontfire.removeAttribute(), Frontfire.attr()
→ this
Displays the selected Nodes.
This is an alternative to: nodes.F.visible = true;
See also: Frontfire.visible,, Frontfire.hide(), Frontfire.toggle()
→ thistoggle(force)
→ this
Displays or hides the selected Nodes, each toggling their current state. If the force parameter is set to true or false, it forces all nodes to always be displayed or hidden instead of toggled.
This is an alternative to inverting or setting each selected node’s visibility
See also: Frontfire.visible, jQuery.toggle(),, Frontfire.hide()
→ thiswrap(node)
→ thiswrap(generator)
→ this
Wraps an HTML structure around each of the selected Nodes. The wrapping element can be specified as an HTML string or a Node (native or in a Frontfire object). If existing Nodes are provided as wrapper and multiple Nodes are to be wrapped, the source Node itself will wrap the first target and then cloned from the second target on. Alternatively, the wrapping element can be returned by a generator function that is called with the wrapped Node as argument and returns the wrapping element as HTML string or Node. If the wrapping element already contains children, the wrapped element is appended after them.
See also: jQuery.wrap(), Frontfire.unwrap() (reverse operation)
→ this
Replaces the parent of each selected Node with the selected Node itself, removing their parents.
See also: jQuery.unwrap(), Frontfire.wrap() (reverse operation)
Scroll methods
→ Frontfire
Returns the closest scrolling parent element of the first selected element. If the element itself can already scroll, it is returned.
See also: Frontfire.isScrollable()
→ Number
Returns the vertical offset of the first selected element relative to the specified parent. If the parent ist not an ancestor of the element, undefined is returned.
→ Boolean
Determines whether the first selected element is scrollable. An element is considered to be scrollable when it has a vertical overflow that is not hidden, i.e. a scrollbar is visible and can be moved.
See also: Frontfire.closestScrollable()
→ Boolean
Determines whether the first selected element is fully visible in its scrolling parent.
See also: Frontfire.closestScrollable(), Frontfire.scrollIntoView(), Frontfire.scrollToTop(), Frontfire.scrollToBottom()
→ Number
Returns the scrollbar height of the first selected element. If the element does not have a horizontal scrollbar, 0 is returned.
Added in v2.1.0
→ Number
Returns the scrollbar width of the first selected element. If the element does not have a vertical scrollbar, 0 is returned.
Added in v2.1.0
→ thisscrollIntoView(margin)
→ thisscrollIntoView(margin, smooth)
→ thisscrollIntoView(margin, smooth, recursive)
→ thisscrollIntoView([marginTop, marginBottom])
→ thisscrollIntoView([marginTop, marginBottom], smooth)
→ thisscrollIntoView([marginTop, marginBottom], smooth, recursive)
→ this
Scrolls the first selected element into view in its scrolling parent, if it is not already fully visible. If the element does not fit in the view height, it is aligned at the top edge. If a margin is specified, the parent is scrolled further to keep the margin around the element visible. If the smooth parameter is true, the scrolling animates smoothly instead of an instant scroll. If the recursive parameter is set to true, parent scroll containers are also brought into view of their respective parents, up to the window.
The margin can be specified in three ways:
- A single number that specifies the additional space at the top and bottom each, in pixels.
- An array of two numbers as forementioned, for the top and bottom side separately.
An array of two strings in the format
where n specifies the relative fill space. For example, the argument["1*", "3*"]
distributes the remaining scroll view space around the element so that 1/4 is at the top and 3/4 at the bottom. The argument["1*", "1*"]
scrolls the element to the centre of the view area. Any positive floating point numbers are accepted.
See also: Frontfire.scrollToTop(), Frontfire.scrollToBottom(), Frontfire.isScrollVisible()
String parameters for margin added in v2.1.0
→ thisscrollToBottom(bottomMargin)
→ thisscrollToBottom(bottomMargin, smooth)
→ thisscrollToBottom(bottomMargin, smooth, recursive)
→ this
Scrolls the first selected element to the bottom of its scrolling parent. If a margin is specified, the parent is scrolled further to keep the margin below the element visible. If the smooth parameter is true, the scrolling animates smoothly instead of an instant scroll. If the recursive parameter is set to true, parent scroll containers are also brought to the bottom of their respective parents, up to the window.
See also: Frontfire.scrollToTop(), Frontfire.scrollIntoView(), Frontfire.isScrollVisible()
→ thisscrollToTop(topMargin)
→ thisscrollToTop(topMargin, smooth)
→ thisscrollToTop(topMargin, smooth, recursive)
→ this
Scrolls the first selected element to the top of its scrolling parent. If a margin is specified, the parent is scrolled further to keep the margin above the element visible. If the smooth parameter is true, the scrolling animates smoothly instead of an instant scroll. If the recursive parameter is set to true, parent scroll containers are also brought to the top of their respective parents, up to the window.
See also: Frontfire.scrollToBottom(), Frontfire.scrollIntoView(), Frontfire.isScrollVisible()
Event methods
The event management methods on(), off() and once() are related to the DOM methods addEventListener() and removeEventListener(), but not strictly compatible.
The Frontfire methods have a different behaviour in that they maintain their own event handler registration that is required for the enhanced comfort of removing a handler without specifying its function.
Also, while the DOM method provides the “once” and “signal” options, these will remove the event handler without telling anybody so our registrations would not be updated correctly.
It’s for this essential behavioural difference that the Frontfire methods deliberately use different (and shorter) names.
forwardEvent(eventName, targetElement)
→ this
Forwards an event from the first selected element to another element, holding a weak reference to the target element. The internal forwarding entry is cleaned up if the target element was garbage-collected when an event is to be forwarded. No event data is set with the forwarded event.
See also: Frontfire.unforwardEvent()
Added in v2.1.0
→ ObjectforwardUIEvents(target, excludeTypes)
→ Object
Forwards the most common user interaction events from the first selected element to the specified target element. This can bridge the gap between an original element in the document and a visual replacement element that was generated by Frontfire. The forwarded events are cancelled on the target element to avoid double-invocation of events like “click”.
The forwarded event types are:
- blur
- click
- contextmenu
- dblclick
- focus
- focusin
- focusout
- input
- keydown
- keyup
- pointercancel
- pointerdown
- pointerenter
- pointerleave
- pointermove
- pointerout
- pointerover
- pointerup
- wheel
Any types specified in the second parameter can be excluded from forwarding. Excluded type names can be specified as space-separated string, array (iterable), or any combination thereof. When an event type is excluded, it should be forwarded explicitly following appropriate logic.
The return value is an object with methods to control the added event handlers:
: Removes the added event handlers.
→ ArraygetEventListeners(filterTypes)
→ Array
Returns all event listeners currently registered with the on() and once() methods. Multiple type names can be specified as space-separated string, array (iterable), or any combination thereof. The returned array contains objects with the following keys:
: The node to which the listener is attached.type
: The plain event type (without Frontfire-specific extensions).capture
: Indicates whether the event is handled in the capture phase.classList
: An array containing the class names of the event listener.userHandler
: The handler that was specified for the on() or once() method.realHandler
: The handler that was added to the DOM object. This is a wrapper function for once() listeners.once
: Indicates whether the listener is unregistered after the first triggered event.
The objects in the returned array are copies, so changes to them will not affect the actual event listener registrations.
Type name additions
The type names can contain class names similar to a CSS selector to select the handlers to be returned by their set classes. Only those handlers are returned that have all specified class names set. If classes but no type was specified, all registered event types are considered.
If the type name starts with a greater-than sign (>
), only handlers for the capture phase are returned.
See also: Frontfire.hasEventListeners()
→ BooleanhasEventListeners(filterTypes)
→ Boolean
Determines whether any event listener is currently registered with the on() or once() method. Multiple type names can be specified as space-separated string, array (iterable), or any combination thereof.
Type name additions
The type names can contain class names similar to a CSS selector to select the handlers to consider by their set classes. Only those handlers are considered that have all specified class names set. If classes but no type was specified, all registered event types are considered.
If the type name starts with a greater-than sign (>
), only handlers for the capture phase are considered.
See also: Frontfire.getEventListeners()
→ thisoff(types, handler)
→ this
Removes an event handler from the selected Nodes for the specified event types. Removing without specifying a handler can only remove those handlers that were added with the on() or once() methods. Multiple type names can be specified as space-separated string, array (iterable), or any combination thereof.
Type name additions
The type names can contain class names similar to a CSS selector to select the handlers to be removed by their set classes. Only those handlers are removed that have all specified class names set. If classes but no type was specified, all registered event types are considered for removal. Event classes are ignored if a specific handler to remove is provided.
If the type name starts with a greater-than sign (>
), the handler is removed for the capture phase.
See also: EventTarget.removeEventListener(),, Frontfire.on() (reverse operation)
on(types, handler)
→ this
Adds an event handler to the selected Nodes for the specified event types. If the handler was already added with once(), it is changed to a permanent handler. A handler will only be added once for each event type (just like the DOM methods, and unlike jQuery). Multiple type names can be specified as space-separated string, array (iterable), or any combination thereof. The same event handler is attached to every specified event type.
Type name additions
The type names can contain class names similar to a CSS selector to identify them and allow them to be removed later.
If the type name starts with a greater-than sign (>
), the handler is registered for the capture phase.
If the type name (without class names, i.e. before any period character) is appended by an exclamation mark (!
), the handler is also called immediately, with a fake event object that contains the most important members:
: The node that the event handler was added to.isImmediate
: Set and true only on the immediate handler
: The node that the event handler was added to.type
: The event type without additional modifiers.preventDefault()
: A function that does nothing.stopPropagation()
: A function that does nothing.
See also: EventTarget.addEventListener(), jQuery.on(), (reverse operation), Frontfire.findEventTarget() (for delegated event handlers)
once(types, handler)
→ this
Adds an event handler to the selected Nodes for the specified event types. When the event is triggered, the event handler is removed for future events, i.e. the handler is only called once. If the handler was already added with on(), it is changed to a one-time handler. A handler will only be added once for each event type. Multiple type names can be specified as space-separated string, array (iterable), or any combination thereof. The same event handler is attached to every specified event type.
The function that is actually added as event listener is a wrapper that manages the remove-after-trigger logic. That wrapper function then calls the specified handler function with the event object. No such wrapper is used for the on() method. When a handler is converted from and to a once-only handler, the wrapper is removed or added automatically.
Type name additions
The type names can contain class names similar to a CSS selector to identify them and allow them to be removed later.
If the type name starts with a greater-than sign (>
), the handler is registered for the capture phase.
See also:, (reverse operation)
→ void
Adds an event handler for the DOMContentLoaded event and runs it if that event has already been triggered.
This event handler could only be removed again by directly calling: document.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", handler)
See also: jQuery.ready()
→ ArrayList(Event)trigger(types, options)
→ ArrayList(Event)trigger(types, options, eventInit)
→ ArrayList(Event)trigger(types, options, eventInit, eventClass)
→ ArrayList(Event)
Triggers the specified event types on all selected Nodes, synchronously invoking all added handlers in the order they were added. Multiple type names can be specified as space-separated string, array (iterable), or any combination thereof. The options parameter is passed on to the Event constructor. The most important options properties here are:
: A boolean value indicating whether the event bubbles up from the innermost element that is the source of the event to each parent element. The default is false.cancelable
: A boolean value indicating whether the event can be cancelled with thepreventDefault()
method and tested with thedefaultPrevented
property. The default is false.
Returns all dispatched events, for the caller to inspect their properties that may have been set by the event handlers. If only one element was selected and one event was triggered, the returned collection will contain a single Event object.
Unlike jQuery that only calls its own added event handlers, this method triggers a native DOM event that will be visible to all event handlers added with the Frontfire or DOM methods alike.
Unlike jQuery events that always bubble, this behaviour must be explicitly enabled with the bubbles
eventInit property like with the DOM API.
Type name additions
The type names can contain class names similar to a CSS selector to select the handlers to be called by their set classes. Only those handlers are called directly that have all specified class names set. The downside of using classes is that the event cannot be natively dispatched to the elements. Instead, the event argument passed to the handler loses its type and is a full copy of the original event object. This is necessary to set its currentTarget and target properties that are otherwise read-only. If no class names are specified, the event is triggered natively.
See also: EventTarget.dispatchEvent(), jQuery.trigger()
unforwardEvent(eventName, targetElement)
→ this
Forgets an event forwarding set up with the forwardEvent() method.
See also: Frontfire.forwardEvent()
Added in v2.1.0
Form methods
→ Boolean
Copies the plain text value of the first selected text input element into the system clipboard. This method uses the DOM element and not the newer Clipboard API so it’s always available. The return value is true if the copy was successful; otherwise, false.
See also: Frontfire.copyText() (static method)
→ Anyvalue(newValue)
→ this
Gets or sets the value of an HTML element that may occur in a form. The value is converted according to the input type.
For checkboxes and radio fields, the boolean
value is used instead of the value property. The indeterminate state is represented as null. -
For number-typed fields, the value is converted as Number with
. An empty or invalid input (including leading or trailing whitespace) is represented as null. Setting null empties the input field. -
For date/time-typed fields (except week), the value is converted as Date similar to
but in the local time zone. An empty or incomplete input is represented as null. Setting null empties the input field. -
For select fields with the multiple attribute, the returned or new value is an Array containing the string
of each selected option. Setting a string or non-iterable selects only the option with that value. -
For other fields, including select fields without the multiple attribute, the string
property is used.
If the new value is different (!==
) from the current value, a “change” event is triggered on the element.
Multi-value select fields are compared with setEquals().
Plugin methods
Frontfire has a comprehensive plugin mechanism that allows new modules to be added to the Frontfire object. These modules can work on the selected Nodes and add new features and capabilities to them. Frontfire UI consists of Frontfire plugins and other static methods added to the Frontfire class. These existing plugin methods are described below.
A plugin is always accessible under its property name of the Frontfire object. This property is a callable function that creates a plugin instance, and it has additional methods and properties to control that instance. A minimal complete example implementation of a plugin is shown at the registerPlugin() method.
You can still add normal Frontfire instance and static methods or properties by writing to the Frontfire
function or its prototype.
This is how Frontfire does it itself.
There is no need to set up a Frontfire build environment, you can add plugins from your own JavaScript code.
In any way, be careful not to choose names that might be added to Frontfire Core (or UI) in the future.
There is no official plugin registry or compatibility certification so you can break essential functions with your extension!
→ this
Applies all Frontfire plugins to the selected nodes except those that have the no-frontfire
CSS class, or descendants of an element with that class.
The plugins are activated on each element based on its node name or CSS classes, as defined in the registered plugin selectors.
This method is called automatically when loading the Frontfire UI JavaScript source file.
This only works if the JavaScript file is loaded at the end of the <body>
element after all content elements, or alternatively (not recommended) in the document <head>
This method only needs to be called when new elements have been created and added to the document that need features provided by plugins, excluding those that should not be applied at this time or are permanently exempt from Frontfire UI CSS styles.
See also: Frontfire.frontfire()
→ this
Removes all Frontfire plugins from the selected nodes. This reverts all changes made and restores the state in which the element was before applying Frontfire plugins. Additionally created elements and event handlers are also removed.
This method relies on each plugin’s own deinit() method which is simply called with all selected nodes for each plugin that provides that method. It needs to decide for itself whether it is responsible for any of the selected nodes.
See also: Frontfire.frontfire()
Frontfire.deleteOptions(pluginName, element)
→ void
Deletes the initialised plugin options from the element. This method is used by deinit() methods of plugins.
See also: Frontfire.initOptions(), Frontfire.loadOptions()
→ this
Applies all Frontfire plugins to the selected nodes.
The no-frontfire
CSS class is removed from the selected nodes and all their descendants (but not their parents) to also activate the CSS features (where not disabled on an ancestor element).
The plugins are activated on each element based on its node name or CSS classes, as defined in the registered plugin selectors.
This method only needs to be called when new elements have been created and added to the document that need features provided by plugins.
See also: Frontfire.autostart()
Frontfire.initOptions(pluginName, element)
→ ObjectFrontfire.initOptions(pluginName, element, converters)
→ ObjectFrontfire.initOptions(pluginName, element, converters, params)
→ Object
Determines the options to use for a plugin. The pluginName is the same as specified in the registerPlugin method. The element is used to find data attributes that can set options for this plugin. converters is an object that specifies a conversion function for each special data attribute. Such a conversion function maps the data attribute string value to the desired option value. Finally, the params are the options that are passed to the plugin function, if any.
See the registerPlugin() method for an example of this method.
Read more about using plugin options.
See also: Frontfire.registerPlugin(), Frontfire.loadOptions(), Frontfire.deleteOptions()
Frontfire.loadOptions(pluginName, element)
→ Object
Loads the initialised plugin options for additional plugin functions. If the plugin options have not been initialised for the element, undefined is returned. This method is used by plugin operations that work with a plugin instance after it has been created on an element. Any options, including references to internal functions, that were set in the plugin’s create function can be accessed with this method in the additional operation methods.
See the registerPlugin() method for an example of this method.
See also: Frontfire.registerPlugin(), Frontfire.initOptions(), Frontfire.deleteOptions()
Frontfire.registerPlugin(pluginName, createFn)
→ voidFrontfire.registerPlugin(pluginName, createFn, data)
→ void
Registers a Frontfire plugin. The pluginName specifies the name under which the plugin will be accessible in Frontfire objects. When that plugin property is called, the createFn function is called to execute the plugin. The data parameter is an optional object that further defines the plugin with the following keys:
: The initial options that are set for the plugin and can be overridden when called. Only properties defined in here are considered for data attributes in the HTML element. -
: An object containing additional plugin methods and properties. These operations are accessible as methods in the plugin property. -
: An array of CSS selectors for the autostart function. The plugin will be applied on all elements that match any of these selectors in the autostart() or frontfire() methods. If the initial application of the plugins on the document has already run, the plugin will be applied upon registration.
The following example shows a minimal complete implementation of a plugin.
This is how to use the registered plugin:
The plugin default options, if specified, can be accessed through the plugin property defaults
Assigning this property overwrites those default settings that are set in the new value and preserves the existing settings.
See also: Frontfire.autostart(), Frontfire.initOptions(), Frontfire.loadOptions(), Frontfire.deleteOptions()
Collection retrieval methods
These instance methods retrieve a single item from the array or a single aggregated value computed from the array.
Inherited from: ArrayList
→ Anyaggregate(initialValue, reducer)
→ Any
Applies an accumulator function over the array of selected Nodes. The reducer function is called with two arguments and returns a single value that combines both. Then the function is called with the previous return value and the next array item, until the last item. If the initialValue is unset and the array is empty, undefined is returned. If the initialValue is set, it is the first argument of the first call of the reducer function.
See also: Array.reduce(), Frontfire.aggregateReversed()
Inherited from: ArrayList
→ AnyaggregateReversed(initialValue, reducer)
→ Any
Applies an accumulator function over the array in reversed order. See the aggregate() method for more details.
See also: Array.reduceRight(), Frontfire.aggregate()
Inherited from: ArrayList
→ Booleanall(predicate, thisArg)
→ Boolean
Determines whether all selected Nodes satisfy a condition. The predicate function gets three arguments:
- The Node
- Its index in the array
- The entire array (the internal Array instance)
If thisArg is set, it is assigned to this
when executing the predicate function.
If the array is empty, true is returned.
The parameter semantics is the same as the Array.every() method.
See also: Array.every()
Inherited from: ArrayList
→ Booleanany(predicate)
→ Booleanany(predicate, thisArg)
→ Boolean
Determines whether any selected Node satisfies a condition. The predicate function gets three arguments:
- The Node
- Its index in the array
- The entire array (the internal Array instance)
If no predicate is specified, the return value is true only if the array contains any items.
If thisArg is set, it is assigned to this
when executing the predicate function.
If the array is empty, false is returned.
The parameter semantics is the same as the Array.some() method.
See also: Array.some()
Inherited from: ArrayList
→ Number
Computes an average value of the selected Nodes. The selector function is called for each Node and returns the value to use for the average computation. In this class, the selector must not be omitted. If the array is empty, undefined is returned.
Inherited from: ArrayList
binarySearch(node, comparer)
→ Number
Searches the sorted array for an item using the comparer and returns the zero-based index of the item.
If the item is not found, the return value is a negative number that is the bitwise complement (~
) of the index of the next item that is larger than item or, if there is no larger item, the bitwise complement of the length property.
In this class, the comparer must not be omitted.
Inherited from: ArrayList
→ Booleancontains(node, startIndex)
→ Boolean
Determines whether a Node exists in the array of selected Nodes. The parameter semantics is the same as the Array.includes() method.
See also: Array.includes()
Inherited from: ArrayList
→ Numbercount(predicate)
→ Number
Counts the selected Nodes that satisfy a condition. If no predicate is specified, the array length is returned.
Inherited from: ArrayList
→ Boolean
Determines whether two arrays contain the same items in the same order. The values are compared with the === operator.
See also: Frontfire.setEquals()
Inherited from: ArrayList
→ Nodefind(predicate, thisArg)
→ Node
Returns the first selected Node that satisfies a condition. If no nodes satisfy the condition, undefined is returned. The predicate function gets three arguments:
- The Node
- Its index in the array
- The entire array (the internal Array instance)
If thisArg is set, it is assigned to this
when executing the predicate function.
The parameter semantics is the same as the Array.find() method.
This method finds items in its array of selected Nodes, not other Nodes in the document.
Use the querySelector methods to find other descendant nodes.
See also: Array.find(), Frontfire.querySelector(), Frontfire.querySelectorAll()
Inherited from: ArrayList
→ NumberfindIndex(predicate, thisArg)
→ Number
Returns the index of the first selected Node that satisfies a condition. If no Nodes satisfy the condition, the return value is -1. The predicate function gets three arguments:
- The Node
- Its index in the array
- The entire array (the internal Array instance)
If thisArg is set, it is assigned to this
when executing the predicate function.
The parameter semantics is the same as the Array.findIndex() method.
See also: Array.findIndex(), Frontfire.find()
Inherited from: ArrayList
→ NodefindLast(predicate, thisArg)
→ Node
Returns the last selected Node that satisfies a condition. If no Nodes satisfy the condition, undefined is returned. The predicate function gets three arguments:
- The Node
- Its index in the array
- The entire array (the internal Array instance)
If thisArg is set, it is assigned to this
when executing the predicate function.
The parameter semantics is the same as the Array.find() method.
This method finds items in its array of selected Nodes, not other Nodes in the document.
Use the querySelectorAll method to find other descendant nodes.
See also: Frontfire.querySelectorAll()
Inherited from: ArrayList
→ NumberfindLastIndex(predicate, thisArg)
→ Number
Returns the index of the last selected Node that satisfies a condition. If no Nodes satisfy the condition, the return value is -1. The predicate function gets three arguments:
- The Node
- Its index in the array
- The entire array (the internal Array instance)
If thisArg is set, it is assigned to this
when executing the predicate function.
The parameter semantics is the same as the Array.findIndex() method.
See also: Frontfire.findLast()
Inherited from: ArrayList
→ Node
Returns the selected Node at the positive or negative index of the array. If the index is negative, it is counted from the end, i.e. -1 is the last, -2 the second-last Node, etc. If the index is outside the range of the array, undefined is returned.
See also: Array[index], Frontfire.set()
Inherited from: ArrayList
→ Number
Returns the first index of the Node among the selected Nodes. If the Node does not exist in the array, the return value is -1.
See also: Array.indexOf()
Inherited from: ArrayList
→ Stringjoin(separator)
→ String
Returns a string by concatenating all of the elements of the array, separated by commas or the specified separator string. If the array has only one item, then that item will be returned without using the separator. If the array is empty, an empty string is returned.
See also: Array.join()
Inherited from: ArrayList
→ Number
Returns the last index of the Node among the selected Nodes. If the Node does not exist in the array, the return value is -1.
See also: Array.lastIndexOf()
Inherited from: ArrayList
→ Number
Computes the maximum value of the selected Nodes. The selector function is called for each Node of the array and returns the value to use for the maximum computation. In this class, the selector must not be omitted. If the array is empty, undefined is returned.
Inherited from: ArrayList
→ Number
Computes the minimum value of the selected Nodes. The selector function is called for each Node of the array and returns the value to use for the minimum computation. In this class, the selector must not be omitted. If the array is empty, undefined is returned.
Inherited from: ArrayList
→ Number
Computes the sum of the selected Nodes. The selector function is called for each Node and returns the value to use for the sum computation. In this class, the selector must not be omitted. If the array is empty, undefined is returned.
Collection manipulation methods
These instance methods alter the contents of the array of selected Nodes. Most of these methods return the instance for chained calls, except the remove and replace methods.
→ thisadd(nodeList)
→ thisadd(nodeList, single)
→ thisadd(htmlCollection)
→ thisadd(htmlCollection, single)
→ thisadd(array)
→ thisadd(array, single)
→ thisadd(html)
→ thisadd(html, single)
→ thisadd(selector)
→ thisadd(selector, single)
→ this
Adds nodes to the end of the array or creates new nodes. The following types can be passed as first argument:
- Node: A Node to add to this instance.
- NodeList: A collection of Nodes copied into this instance.
- HTMLCollection: A collection of Nodes copied into this instance.
- Array or ArrayList: A collection of which only the Nodes are copied into this instance.
- String: A CSS selector that selects the nodes to add to this instance, or HTML code starting with “
If the optional single parameter is true, only the first of the specified nodes will be added to this instance.
In this class, the method only accepts Node items to add, while the base class ArrayList.add() accepts any item types.
See also: Array.push()
→ this
In this class, this is an alias for the add() method that can already handle collections of Nodes to add.
See also: Frontfire.add(), Frontfire.concat() (copying alternative)
Inherited from: ArrayList
→ this
Removes all Nodes from the array. This will not alter the document or any Nodes themselves. This is equivalent of setting array.length = 0.
insert(index, node)
→ thisinsert(index, nodeList)
→ thisinsert(index, htmlCollection)
→ thisinsert(index, array)
→ thisinsert(index, html)
→ thisinsert(index, selector)
→ this
Inserts nodes into the array at the specified index. If the index is negative, it is counted from the end, i.e. -1 is the last, -2 the second-last node, etc. If index is greater than the array length, the node is added at the end of the array. If the negative index points to a position before the start of the array, the node is inserted at the beginning of the array. The same types can be passed as second argument as for the add() method.
In this class, the method only accepts Node items to insert, while the base class ArrayList.insert() accepts any item types.
See also: Frontfire.add()
→ this
In this class, this is an alias for the insert() method that can already handle collections of Nodes to insert.
See also: Frontfire.insert()
Inherited from: ArrayList
replace(oldNode, newNode)
→ Boolean
Replaces the first Node by the value of oldNode in the array. The return value is true if the old node was found; otherwise, false.
Inherited from: ArrayList
→ this
Reverses the array in-place.
See also: Array.reverse(), Frontfire.reversed() (copying alternative)
Inherited from: ArrayList
set(index, node)
→ this
Sets the Node at the positive or negative index of the array. If the index is negative, it is counted from the end, i.e. -1 is the last, -2 the second-last node, etc. If index is greater than the array length, empty slots will be created between the old last and the new node. If the negative index points to a position before the start of the array, the property representing the negative number is created but the set value is not part of the iterable items of the array. This behaviour is identical to setting arbitrary indexes of a plain Array.
See also: Array[index], Frontfire.get()
Inherited from: ArrayList
→ this
Shuffles the selected Nodes using a Fisher-Yates algorithm.
Inherited from: ArrayList
→ this
Sorts the selected Nodes using the comparer function. In this class, the comparer must not be omitted.
See also: Array.sort()
Inherited from: ArrayList
sortBy(keySelector, …)
→ this
Sorts the selected Nodes in ascending order according to a key. Secondary sorting is done by providing more key selector arguments. An argument of 1 or -1 sets the sort direction of the following keys ascending or descending, respectively.
The comparison is done with the <
(less than) and >
(greater than) operators.
Two numbers are compared by their numeric value, two strings are compared lexically.
Mixed-type comparisons have unpredictable results.
See the base class method for an example.
See also: Frontfire.orderBy() (copying alternative)
Inherited from: ArrayList
sortByDescending(keySelector, …)
→ this
Sorts the selected Nodes in descending order according to a key. Secondary sorting is done by providing more key selector arguments. An argument of 1 or -1 sets the sort direction of the following keys ascending or descending, respectively.
The comparison is done with the <
(less than) and >
(greater than) operators.
Two numbers are compared by their numeric value, two strings are compared lexically.
Mixed-type comparisons have unpredictable results.
See the sortBy() method for an example. This method differs in that the initial sort order is descending instead of ascending. Both methods behave identically if the first argument is 1 or -1.
See also: ArrayList.orderByDescending() (copying alternative)
Collection copy methods
These instance methods return multiple Nodes from the array in a new collection and do not alter the contents of the instance.
Inherited from: ArrayList
→ ArrayListchunk(length, pad)
→ ArrayList
Chunks the array of selected Nodes into multiple arrays of a maximum length, with an optional padding value for the last shorter chunk to bring it to the specified length. In this class, each subarray is a Frontfire instance. The result can be converted to a plain Array of Arrays with the toArray() method.
Inherited from: ArrayList
→ Frontfireconcat(array, …)
→ Frontfire
Concatenates the selected Nodes with the other specified arrays. If no parameter is specified, this method behaves the same as the clone() method.
See also: Array.concat(), Frontfire.addRange() (manipulating alternative)
Inherited from: ArrayList
→ FrontfiregetRange(start, count)
→ Frontfire
Returns Nodes from the array of selected Nodes. If the start is negative, it is counted from the end, i.e. -1 is the last, -2 the second-last node, etc. If count is omitted, all nodes from the start index to the end of the array are returned. If count is negative, the nodes until (excluding) the count index from the end of the array are returned, i.e. -1 excludes the last, -2 excludes the 2 last nodes, etc.
See also: Array.slice()
Inherited from: ArrayList
→ MapgroupBy(keySelector, elementSelector)
→ Map
Groups the selected Nodes according to the key selector function and returns a new Map from each group key and a Frontfire instance of the Nodes in the group. The order of the Nodes in each returned group is the same as in the original array. In this class, each group value is a Frontfire instance.
Inherited from: ArrayList
orderBy(keySelector, …)
→ Frontfire
Returns a copy of the array in ascending order according to a key. Secondary sorting is done by providing more key selector arguments. An argument of 1 or -1 sets the sort direction of the following keys ascending or descending, respectively.
The comparison is done with the <
(less than) and >
(greater than) operators.
Two numbers are compared by their numeric value, two strings are compared lexically.
Mixed-type comparisons have unpredictable results.
See also: ArrayList.sortBy() (manipulating alternative)
Inherited from: ArrayList
orderByDescending(keySelector, …)
→ Frontfire
Returns a copy of the array in descending order according to a key. Secondary sorting is done by providing more key selector arguments. An argument of 1 or -1 sets the sort direction of the following keys ascending or descending, respectively.
The comparison is done with the <
(less than) and >
(greater than) operators.
Two numbers are compared by their numeric value, two strings are compared lexically.
Mixed-type comparisons have unpredictable results.
See the orderBy() method for an example. This method differs in that the initial sort order is descending instead of ascending. Both methods behave identically if the first argument is 1 or -1.
See also: ArrayList.sortByDescending() (manipulating alternative)
Inherited from: ArrayList
→ Frontfire
Returns a copy of the array with the selected Nodes rearranged by a mapping function that maps the source index to the target index. The Nodes are rearranged in their order in the array. If the mapping function returns a target index twice, the last assigned Node will overwrite previous Nodes at that index.
Inherited from: ArrayList
→ Frontfire
Returns a reversed copy of the selected Nodes.
See also: ArrayList.reverse() (manipulating alternative)
Inherited from: ArrayList
→ ArrayListselect(selectorFn, thisArg)
→ ArrayList
Projects each item in the array into a new form by calling the selector function for each item.
The returned array contains as many items as the array, with each return value of the selector function called with the original item as parameter.
If thisArg is set, it is assigned to this
when executing the selector function.
The parameter semantics is the same as the method.
See also:
Inherited from: ArrayList
→ Frontfire
Returns a copy of the array without the first Nodes.
See also: Array.slice(), ArrayList.removeFirst() (manipulating alternative)
Inherited from: ArrayList
→ Frontfire
Returns a copy of the array without the last Nodes.
See also: Array.slice(), ArrayList.removeLast() (manipulating alternative)
Inherited from: ArrayList
→ Frontfire
Returns a copy of the array without the first Nodes that satisfy a condition. As soon as a Node does not satisfy the condition, that and all subsequent Nodes until the end of the array are returned, satisfying the condition or not.
Inherited from: ArrayList
→ Frontfire
Returns the first Nodes of the array.
See also: Array.slice()
Inherited from: ArrayList
→ Frontfire
Returns all Nodes in the array that occur after the specified node, not including the node itself.
Inherited from: ArrayList
→ Frontfire
Returns all Nodes in the array that occur before the specified node, not including the node itself.
Inherited from: ArrayList
→ FrontfiretakeEvery(step, start)
→ FrontfiretakeEvery(step, start, count)
→ Frontfire
Returns every nth Node of the array. If start is omitted, the first returned node is the first node of the array. The count defines how many nodes will be returned (if available), not how many nodes from the array will be considered.
Inherited from: ArrayList
→ Frontfire
Returns the last Nodes of the array.
See also: Array.slice()
Inherited from: ArrayList
→ Frontfire
Returns the first Nodes of the array that satisfy a condition. As soon as a node does not satisfy the condition, no further nodes of the array are returned, satisfying the condition or not.
Inherited from: ArrayList
→ Array
Returns a plain Array of the selected Nodes. The returned array is a new instance that contains the nodes from the internal array. Any changes done to this array will not affect the Frontfire instance.
See also: ArrayList.array
Inherited from: ArrayList
→ Map
Returns a Map of the selected Nodes. The map key is determined by calling the keySelector function. The nodes are copied in their order in the array. If the key function returns a key twice, the last assigned node will overwrite previous nodes for that key.
Inherited from: ArrayList
→ Object
Returns an Object of the selected Nodes. The object key is determined by calling the keySelector function which must return a string value suitable for a JavaScript object property name. The nodes are copied in their order in the array. If the key function returns a key twice, the last assigned node will overwrite previous nodes for that key.
Inherited from: ArrayList
→ Frontfirewhere(predicate)
→ Frontfirewhere(inCollection)
→ Frontfire
Returns the selected Nodes that match the specified CSS selector string, satisfy a condition function or are contained in the specified node collection. Nodes that do not satisfy the condition are skipped in the returned collection. The order of the returned Nodes is the same as the original array. The predicate function gets three arguments:
- The Node
- Its index in the array
- The entire array (the internal Array instance)
The parameter semantics is the same as the Array.filter() method. In this class, the method accepts more parameter types than in the base class: String (CSS selector), Array/ArrayList/Frontfire (node collection to intersect with)
See also: jQuery.filter(), Array.filter(), Frontfire.intersect(), Frontfire.matches()
Collection set methods
These instance methods provide set operations on the array. Most of these methods should be available in the built-in Set type, but unfortunately are not.
Inherited from: ArrayList
→ Frontfire
Returns a new collection with the selected Nodes, without duplicates. The order of the returned nodes is the same as the original array.
See also: new Set()
Inherited from: ArrayList
→ Frontfire
Returns a new collection with the unique selected Nodes, without (“minus”) all Nodes from the other array, also called set difference. The order of the returned nodes is the same as the original array.
Inherited from: ArrayList
→ Frontfire
Returns a new collection with the unique selected Nodes that exist in both the array and the other array. This corresponds to the boolean operator AND. The order of the returned nodes is the same as the original array.
Inherited from: ArrayList
→ Boolean
Determines whether the array is a subset of the other array. If both arrays contain the same distinct Nodes, the return value is true.
Inherited from: ArrayList
→ Boolean
Determines whether the array is a superset of the other array. If both arrays contain the same distinct Nodes, the return value is true.
Inherited from: ArrayList
→ Boolean
Determines whether two arrays contain the same unique Nodes but not necessarily in the same order (or quantity).
See also: ArrayList.equals()
Inherited from: ArrayList
→ Frontfire
Returns a new collection with the unique selected Nodes that exist in either the array or the other array but not in both (called symmetric difference). This corresponds to the boolean operator XOR (exclusive OR). The order of the returned nodes is the same as the original array, followed by the new nodes from the other array.
Inherited from: ArrayList
→ Frontfire
Returns a new collection with the unique selected Nodes from the array and also from the other array. This corresponds to the boolean operator OR. The order of the returned nodes is the same as the original array, followed by the new nodes from the other array.
Void methods
These instance methods do not return items from the array and do not alter the contents of the instance.
Inherited from: ArrayList
→ thisforEach(action, thisArg)
→ this
Calls a function once for each selected Node. The callback function gets three arguments:
- The Node
- Its index in the array
- The entire array (the internal Array instance)
If thisArg is set, it is assigned to this
when executing the callback function.
The parameter semantics is the same as the Array.forEach() method.
See also: Array.forEach()
Method chaining variants
These instance methods provide an alternative way to use the method chaining syntax for features that would not be chainable in a DOM-style API. All of these methods can be replaced by reading or writing properties or calling other methods that would not return the current instance. These methods are mainly provided to ease the migration of jQuery code, especially when creating element structures without keeping separate references of any of the child elements in the created structure. They should not be used in new code but are nevertheless part of the supported Frontfire API.
→ this
Method chaining variant of .classList.add()
See also: Frontfire.classList.add()
→ Stringattr(name, value)
→ this
Method chaining variant of getAttribute
If value is null, the attribute is removed.
See also: Frontfire.removeAttribute, Frontfire.setAttribute
→ Stringhtml(htmlCode)
→ this
Method chaining variant of the innerHTML
See also: Frontfire.innerHTML
→ Anyprop(key, value)
→ this
Method chaining variant of an element property getter/setter. The property name (key) is passed as string here. If no value is specified, the property’s value is returned. If a value is specified, the property is set to this value and the current instance is returned for method chaining.
→ this
Method chaining variant of .classList.remove()
See also: Frontfire.classList.remove()
→ Stringtext(textContent)
→ this
Method chaining variant of the textContent
See also: Frontfire.textContent
→ thistoggleClass(classNames, force)
→ this
Method chaining variant of .classList.toggle()
See also: Frontfire.classList.toggle()
Static methods
→ String
Returns the version identifier string of the Frontfire library.
→ Node
Creates an HTML element.
Shortcut for document.createElement
Similar to F("<div>")
, but the return value is not a Frontfire instance.
See also: document.createElement()
→ String
Converts a string with hyphens like “camel-case” to “camelCase”. This can be used in scenarios like style or dataset access which translates between CSS/HTML attributes and JavaScript object properties.
Frontfire.clamp(value, min, max)
→ Number
Returns the value limited to the range between min and max.
This is an alternative to: Math.max(min, Math.min(value, max))
→ Boolean
Copies the specified plain text into the system clipboard. This method uses a temporary dummy DOM element and not the newer Clipboard API so it’s always available. The return value is true if the copy was successful; otherwise, false.
See also: Frontfire.copyText() (instance method)
→ String
Encodes a string for use in HTML code. This does not change any quote characters so it cannot be used in HTML attribute values.
Frontfire.findEventTarget(event, selector)
→ NodeFrontfire.findEventTarget(event, node)
→ Node
Finds an element (by a CSS selector, or a specific node) along the event capturing or bubbling path. This can be used to implement delegated event handlers. While the handler is called for the registered element, it can check if the event was actually triggered for one of its descendant elements.
In the event capturing phase, returns the first matched element (from currentTarget, where the event handler has been attached, downwards to target, where the event occurred), or null if none was found.
In the event bubbling phase, returns the first matched element (from target, where the event occurred, upwards to currentTarget, where the event handler has been attached), or null if none was found.
Along the search path, is always included and event.currentTarget is always excluded.
Attaching an event handler explicitly to one or more elements requires these elements to exist at that time. Elements that might match but are only created later will not have this event handler. Delegated event handlers can be attached to an ancestor element and will process the event for all descendant elements, also those that were created later. Using this technique, you do not need to frequently attach and remove many event handlers from dynamically created elements. A single event handler will also cause less overhead than a separate handler for each descendant element.
See also: Frontfire.on(), jQuery.on()
→ void
Forces a browser layout reflow. This can be used to start CSS transitions on new elements. Note that animations can also be started directly with the animateFromTo() method.
Frontfire.getJSON(url, data, init)
→ Promise(response)
Executes a GET request to a URL and returns the JSON-data result. If an error occurs, the error is logged to the console and the returned Promise resolves to undefined.
The data parameter accepts an object containing additional URL query parameters. These entries are appended to already existing query parameters in the URL.
The init parameter is an optional object with additional options to the fetch() call init argument.
For more advanced network requests, use the fetch() function or XMLHttpRequest object directly.
See also: getText() (receives data as text), postJSON()
Frontfire.getText(url, data, init)
→ Promise(response)
Executes a GET request to a URL and returns the text-data result. If an error occurs, the error is logged to the console and the returned Promise resolves to undefined.
The data parameter accepts an object containing additional URL query parameters. These entries are appended to already existing query parameters in the URL.
The init parameter is an optional object with additional options to the fetch() call init argument.
For more advanced network requests, use the fetch() function or XMLHttpRequest object directly.
See also: getJSON() (receives data as JSON), postFormText()
→ FunctionFrontfire.getTranslator(dictionary, language)
→ Function
Builds a translation function with a text dictionary for the specified language.
If no language is specified, the language is determined by the lang
attribute of the document root element (<html>
The dictionary contains a key for each supported language, which is an object that contains a key for each text.
The language keys must be defined in lower case.
The language “en” is the fallback and must be complete.
The returned function can be called with a single argument:
- Text key as defined in the dictionary
It then returns the translated text from the dictionary, in the selected language or a fallback language if that text is undefined in the selected language. If the language contains a region, like “pt-BR”, then the language alone (here “pt”) is also considered.
Note that this is only a very basic translation system. It can be used for simple words or short phrases but does not support any more advanced features like placeholders or counting. This method is used by Frontfire UI plugins for their UI labels. Websites and applications should consider a more comprehensive translation solution to build on.
→ Frontfire
Creates a new Frontfire instance selecting a single element by its ID.
This has a performance benefit against Frontfire("#id")
and is similar to document.getElementById(id)
See also: Frontfire()
Frontfire.postFormJSON(url, data, init)
→ Promise(response)
Executes a form-data POST request to a URL and returns the JSON-data result. The data is specified as an object containing the keys and values to send as form fields in the request body. If an error occurs, the error is logged to the console and the returned Promise resolves to undefined.
The init parameter is an optional object with additional options to the fetch() call init argument.
For more advanced network requests, use the fetch() function or XMLHttpRequest object directly.
See also: postFormText() (receives data as text), postJSON() (sends data as JSON), getJSON()
Frontfire.postFormText(url, data, init)
→ Promise(response)
Executes a form-data POST request to a URL and returns the text-data result. The data is specified as an object containing the keys and values to send as form fields in the request body. If an error occurs, the error is logged to the console and the returned Promise resolves to undefined.
The init parameter is an optional object with additional options to the fetch() call init argument.
For more advanced network requests, use the fetch() function or XMLHttpRequest object directly.
See also: postFormText() (receives data as JSON), postJSON() (sends and receives data as JSON), getText()
Frontfire.postJSON(url, data, init)
→ Promise(response)
Executes a JSON-data POST request to a URL and returns the JSON-data result. The data is specified as the object to send as JSON-serialized request body. If an error occurs, the error is logged to the console and the returned Promise resolves to undefined.
The init parameter is an optional object with additional options to the fetch() call init argument.
For more advanced network requests, use the fetch() function or XMLHttpRequest object directly.
See also: postFormJSON() (sends data as traditional form fields), postJSONText() (receives data as text), getJSON()
Frontfire.postJSONText(url, data, init)
→ Promise(response)
Executes a JSON-data POST request to a URL and returns the text-data result. The data is specified as the object to send as JSON-serialized request body. If an error occurs, the error is logged to the console and the returned Promise resolves to undefined.
The init parameter is an optional object with additional options to the fetch() call init argument.
For more advanced network requests, use the fetch() function or XMLHttpRequest object directly.
See also: postJSON() (receives data as JSON), getText()
→ voidFrontfire.preventScrolling(state)
→ void
Prevents scrolling the document.
The state parameter controls whether to enable or disable the scrolling prevention.
If not specified, true
is assumed.
→ String
Escapes a string for use in a regular expression so that it will not contain any effective control characters.
Frontfire.round(value, decimals)
→ Number
Returns the value rounded to the specified number of decimals.
→ Frontfire
Creates a new Frontfire instance selecting only a single element. Accepts the same argument types as the add() method.
See also: Frontfire()
→ PromiseFrontfire.delay(ms, abortSignal)
→ Promise
Asynchronously waits for the specified time in milliseconds.
Returns a Promise that resolves after the specified time or rejects with an AbortError, or whatever reason was specified with AbortController.abort()
, when the abortSignal was signalled.
Without the AbortSignal, this is an alternative to: await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, ms));
parameter added in v2.1.0
Renamed from sleep
to delay
in v2.1.0, old name kept as alias (to be removed in v3.0.0)
Static variable tests
→ Boolean
Determines whether the value is boolean.
→ Boolean
Determines whether the value is an even integer number (e.g. 0, 2, 4, 6 etc.).
→ Boolean
Determines whether the value is a function.
Added in v2.1.0
→ Boolean
Determines whether an object is iterable, i.e. usable in for-of loops.
→ Boolean
Determines whether the value is a number.
→ Boolean
Determines whether the value is an odd integer number (e.g. 1, 3, 5, 7 etc.).
→ Boolean
Determines whether the value is set (i.e. not undefined or null).
→ Boolean
Determines whether the value is a string.
Static browser tests
These methods prefer detection techniques that do not depend on the User-Agent string which can be manipulated by the user. This means that the results may vary over different versions of the browser applications. These methods are intended to be used to work around bugs in certain browser engines, not to tell precisely what application UI is used. Only detection methods for browsers supported by Frontfire are provided.
→ Boolean
Determines whether the browser is Brave (derived from Chromium).
This test returns in your current browser.
→ Boolean
Determines whether the browser is Chrome or derived from Chromium (including Brave, Edge and Opera).
This test returns in your current browser.
→ Boolean
Determines whether the browser is Edge (derived from Chromium).
This test returns in your current browser.
→ Boolean
Determines whether the browser is classic Edge.
This test returns in your current browser.
→ Boolean
Determines whether the browser is Firefox.
This test returns in your current browser.
→ Boolean
Determines whether the browser is Opera (derived from Chromium).
This test returns in your current browser.
→ Boolean
Determines whether the browser is Safari (internal engine of all iOS browsers, enforced by Apple policy so far).
This test returns in your current browser.
Static OS tests
→ Boolean
Determines whether the client operating system is Android. This test is based on the data in the navigator object and subject to simulation adjustments.
This test returns in your current browser.
→ Boolean
Determines whether the client operating system is ChromeOS. This test is based on the data in the navigator object and subject to simulation adjustments.
This test returns in your current browser.
→ Boolean
Determines whether the client operating system is iOS. This test is based on the data in the navigator object and subject to simulation adjustments.
This test returns in your current browser.
→ Boolean
Determines whether the client operating system is Linux (not Android). This test is based on the data in the navigator object and subject to simulation adjustments.
This test returns in your current browser.
→ Boolean
Determines whether the client operating system is macOS. This test is based on the data in the navigator object and subject to simulation adjustments.
This test returns in your current browser.
→ Boolean
Determines whether the client operating system is Windows. This test is based on the data in the navigator object and subject to simulation adjustments.
This test returns in your current browser.
UI plugin instance extensions
These methods are defined by Frontfire UI plugins with the registerPlugin() method or adding to the prototype. They can be called on any selection of nodes from a Frontfire instance and have an effect on the selected nodes.
Plugin: Accordion
→ this
Shows an accordion on the selected elements. See the plugin page for examples.
This is automatically called for elements matching the selector .accordion
Plugin: Form
→ this
Makes each selected textarea element automatically adjust its height to its content. See the plugin page for examples.
This is automatically called for elements matching the selector
Plugin: Form
→ this
Selects the content of an input field when it is focused or clicked. See the plugin page for examples.
This is automatically called for text fields with the auto-select
CSS class.
Plugin: Carousel
→ this
Shows a carousel on the selected elements. See the plugin page for examples.
This is automatically called for elements matching the selector .carousel
Plugin: Message
→ this
Makes each selected message element closable by adding a close button to it. See the plugin page for examples.
This is automatically called for elements matching the selector .message.closable
Plugin: ColorPicker
→ this
Converts each selected input element into a text field with colour picker button. See the plugin page for examples.
This is automatically called for elements matching the selector input.color-picker
Plugin: ColorPicker
→ this
Shows a colour picker on the element. See the plugin page for examples.
This is automatically called for elements matching the selector div.color-picker
Plugin: Modal
→ this
Opens a confirmation modal when clicking on the selected elements before invoking their default action. The modal will show a question text and a confirm and a cancel button. Only if the confirm button is clicked, then the originating element will be unlocked and a click on it is retriggered. See the plugin page for examples.
Plugin: Draggable
→ this
Makes the selected elements draggable. See the plugin page for examples.
Plugin: Dropdown
→ Dropdown plugin instance
Opens a dropdown with the selected element and places it at the specified target element.
The options must at least set a target element.
The dropdown element must already have the dropdown
CSS class, it is not added by this method.
See the plugin page for examples.
Plugin: Form
→ this
Converts the form row column width definition from XAML style to CSS. See the plugin page for examples.
Added in v2.1.0
Plugin: Gallery
→ this
Shows an image gallery on the selected elements. See the plugin page for examples.
This is automatically called for elements matching the selector .gallery
Plugin: Menu
→ this
Converts each selected list element into a menu.
Submenus are opened for nested lists.
The target elements must already have the menu
CSS class, it is not added by this method.
See the plugin page for examples.
This is automatically called for elements matching the selector .menu
Plugin: Modal
→ Modal plugin instance
Opens the first selected node as modal. See the plugin page for examples.
See also: Frontfire.modal() (static method)
Plugin: OffCanvas
→ OffCanvas plugin instance
Opens the first selected node as off-canvas. See the plugin page for examples.
Plugin: Form
→ this
Enables the button overflow feature on the buttons panel. See the plugin page for examples.
This is automatically called for elements matching the selector div.buttons.overflow-buttons
Plugin: Table
→ this
Enables the column overflow feature on the table. See the plugin page for examples.
This is automatically called for elements matching the selector table.overflow-columns
Plugin: Progressbar
→ this
Shows a progressbar on the selected elements. See the plugin page for examples.
This is automatically called for elements matching the selector .progressbar
Plugin: Form
→ this
Makes each selected button trigger repeated click events while being pressed.
The buttons will not trigger a click
event anymore but instead repeatclick
events, at an increased rate while the mouse button is pressed on the button element.
See the plugin page for examples.
This is automatically called for elements matching the selector input[type=button].repeat-button
and button.repeat-button
Plugin: Selectable
→ this
Makes the child elements in each selected element selectable.
Can also be called on <select>
elements to change their appearance.
See the plugin page for examples.
This is automatically called for elements matching the selector .selectable
and select
Plugin: Slider
→ this
Creates a slider control for the selected elements. See the plugin page for examples.
This is automatically called for elements matching the selector .slider
Plugin: Sortable
→ this
Makes child elements sortable. See the plugin page for examples.
This is automatically called for elements matching the selector .sortable
Plugin: Form
→ this
Adds buttons to each selected <input type="number">
element to decrement or increment the value.
This replaces the tiny up/down buttons natively added by the browser with buttons that can be operated with a finger on a touch screen.
See the plugin page for examples.
This is automatically called for elements matching the selector input[type=number]
Plugin: Form
→ this
Applies the enhanced style on the selected checkbox and radio input elements. See the plugin page for examples.
This is automatically called for elements matching the selectors input[type=checkbox]
and input[type=radio]
Plugin: Form
→ this
Locks form submit buttons for a moment to avoid accidental double-submit. See the plugin page for examples.
This is automatically called for elements matching the selectors input[type=submit].submit-lock
and button[type=submit].submit-lock
Plugin: Tabs
→ this
Creates a tab container for the selected elements. See the plugin page for examples.
Plugin: Table
→ Template rows plugin instance
Prepares a table for template rows that can show form rows for a dynamic number of records. If a JSON form field is set in the options, the table rows are also created. See the plugin page for examples.
Plugin: Tabs
→ Template tabs plugin instance
Sets up template tab pages for a tab container. If a JSON form field is set in the options, the tab pages are also created. See the plugin page for examples.
Plugin: Form
→ this
Makes each selected checkbox cycle through indeterminate (third) state on clicking. See the plugin page for examples.
This is automatically called for elements matching the selector input[type=checkbox].three-state
Plugin: TimePicker
→ this
Applies the enhanced date and time picker control on the selected elements. See the plugin page for examples.
This is automatically called for elements matching the selectors input[type^=date]
, input[type=month]
, input[type=time]
or input[type=week]
Plugin: Form
→ this
Converts each selected checkbox input into a toggle button. See the plugin page for examples.
This is automatically called for elements matching the selector input[type=checkbox].toggle-button
Plugin: ToggleSwitch
→ this
Converts each selected checkbox input into a toggle switch. See the plugin page for examples.
This is automatically called for elements matching the selector input[type=checkbox].toggle-switch
Plugin: Table
→ this
Sets the first-column
and last-column
CSS class to the first/last visible column in a table, if following columns are hidden.
This ensures (together with CSS rules) that the border and padding of the last visible column is correct.
See the plugin page for examples.
Plugin: Table
→ this
Sets the first-row
and last-row
CSS class to the first/last visible row in a table, if preceding/following rows are hidden.
This ensures (together with CSS rules) that the border and padding of the first and last visible row is correct.
See the plugin page for examples.
Plugin: WheelScrolling
→ this
Enables custom mouse wheel scrolling on each selected element. See the plugin page for examples.
UI plugin static extensions
These methods are defined by Frontfire UI plugins as static methods. They can be called on the Frontfire class and have no relation to specific nodes.
Plugin: ColorPicker
→ Promise
Opens a modal with a color picker. Returns a Promise that is resolved to the selected color when the modal is confirmed, or "" if the “no color” button was clicked, or undefined if the modal was cancelled or otherwise closed. See the plugin page for examples.
The returned Promise has an additional cancel()
method to close the modal before a user interaction.
See also: Frontfire.modal() (static method)
Plugin: Page
→ void
Dims the entire document by adding an overlay.
For each invocation of this method, the undimBackground()
must be called again.
The page background blur effect can be disabled with the simple-dimmer
CSS class.
See also: Frontfire.undimBackground()
Plugin: Modal
→ PromiseFrontfire.modal(text)
→ Promise
Creates a new modal with buttons and opens it. This method can be used for simple scenarios where only a plain text or short HTML snippet should be displayed. Returns a Promise that resolves with the clicked button’s result, or undefined if the modal was closed otherwise. See the plugin page for examples.
If a text string is specified instead of an options object, it will be assigned to the options’ text
property and a single “OK” button is displayed.
The returned Promise has an additional cancel()
method to close the modal before a user interaction.
See also: Frontfire.modal() (instance method)
Plugin: Notification
→ ObjectFrontfire.notify(text, type)
→ ObjectFrontfire.notify(text, type, options)
→ Object
Shows a notification message at the top of the window. Multiple concurrent notifications stack vertically. Returns an object that contains methods and properties to manipulate the notification. See the plugin page for examples and a description of the options parameter.
The type value is added to the notification element as CSS class.
The same classes as for the Message plugin are predefined (critical
, error
, warning
, information
and success
Any undefined type, as well as no specified type, will render as information
by default.
You can define custom styles and use them by their name here, see the plugin CSS source code for details.
Plugin: Page
→ void
Removes the overlay from the document that was added with the dimBackground()
The overlay is already click-through during its fade-out transition so it will not stand in the way of quick subsequent interactions with elements on the page.
See also: Frontfire.dimBackground()