Frontfire UI CSS classes
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Most styles offered by Frontfire are selected by assigning a CSS class to an element. This can be a general theme, a layout aspect or a tiny detail of the visual appearance. There are also many convenience classes available that save the page author from inlining short individual styles.
Some UI plugins define and use their own CSS classes with the “ff-” prefix. These classes are considered an implementation detail and are not for public use. Changes to their names or style rules will not be documented.
Sometimes it can be confusing where a CSS class comes from or what its purpose is. This reference serves as a global directory of all classes provided by Frontfire. The description explains the resulting style for the indicated elements and the plugin they are defined in.
The classes can be searched (just type ahead). The search also uses aliases for many entries. Start the search text with an equals sign (=) to ignore aliases. Start the search text with the ^ sign to also only find names starting with the search term. Start the search text with the at sign (@) to search by source plugins. Press Escape to reset the search.
Class names
Elements: all (from Accordion)
Defines an accordion. See the plugin page for examples.
See also: no-background, no-icons, expanded
Elements: <li>
(within <ul class="menu">
(from Menu)
Shows a menu item as active. See the plugin page for examples.
See also: menu
Elements: <div>
(within <* class="tabs">
(from Tabs)
Sets the tab page as initially active. See the plugin page for examples.
See also: tabs
Elements: <* class="sticky-aside-container">
(from Typography)
Moves the sticky aside column to the left side. By default, it is on the right side. See the plugin page for examples.
See also: sticky-aside-container
Elements: <textarea>
(from Form)
Makes each selected textarea element automatically adjust its height to its content. See the plugin page for examples.
Elements: text input fields (from Form)
Selects the content of an input field when it is focused or clicked. See the plugin page for examples.
Elements: <* class="progressbar">
(from Progressbar)
Changes the size of the progress bar to big.
See also: progressbar, tiny, small, large
Elements: <table>
(from Table)
Expands all links (<a>
) that are a direct child of a table cell (<td>
) to the entire table cell.
This is increases the clickable or touch area of a link.
Equivalent style: display: block;
Elements: <* class="dropdown">
(from Dropdown)
Adds a border to the dropdown element. See the plugin page for examples.
See also: dropdown
Elements: <ul class="menu">
(from Menu)
Allows aligning menu items at the left and right end. See the plugin page for examples.
Elements: <table>
, <td>
, <th>
, <tr>
(from Table)
Vertically aligns the content of a table cell at the bottom.
Equivalent style: vertical-align: bottom;
See also: top
Elements: all (within <a|div class="image-overlay-text">
(from Image)
Places the image overlay text at the bottom. See the plugin page for examples.
See also: image-overlay-text, center, right
Elements: <a>
(from Form)
Changes the appearance of the hyperlink (<a>
) to a button.
This allows adding regular links in a row with buttons and give them the same look.
However, they are not quite the same because their text selection and drag behaviour remains unchanged and differs from that of real button elements.
See the plugin page.
See also: --button-background, --button-color
Elements: <* class="progressbar">
(from Progressbar)
Changes the height of the progress bar to match a button or text field.
See also: progressbar, inline
Elements: <div>
, <span>
(from Form)
Holds the buttons that are placed in a row of a form. It should be used for form buttons to give them proper spacing. See the plugin page for examples.
See also: label
Elements: all (from Carousel)
Defines a carousel. See the plugin page for examples.
See also: inline-indicator, small-indicator
Elements: <button>
, <a class="button">
(from Form)
Changes the appearance of the button to give it a colour that implies danger. This can be used for actions that have dangerous results if used accidentally, like deleting data. You should always request a separate confirmation from the user before actually executing the dangerous action, or alternatively provide a quick and easy method to undo it. By default they use a red colour instead of grey, and have an inverted text colour.
See also: button, default, transparent, --button-caution-background, --button-caution-color
Elements: <html>
(from Page)
Horizontally centres the content of elements with the page-width
class on the page.
Adding this class to the document also forces a vertical scrollbar to be shown, no matter if the content is longer than a window height or not.
This is to ensure that horizontally centered content does not jump to the side when navigating between pages with and without a scrollbar (which takes some of the available width in most desktop browsers) because of their length.
See also: page-width
Elements: <p>
(from Typography)
Horizontally centres the content of a paragraph.
Equivalent style: text-align: center;
See also: justify, left, right
Elements: <table>
, <td>
, <th>
, <tr>
(from Table)
Horizontally centres the content of all cells of a table.
This can be used to override a table with the left
or right
Equivalent style: text-align: center;
Elements: <img>
, <svg>
(from Image)
Horizontally centres the image and sets it to a block layout. Limits the image to the full available width and the window height.
Elements: all (within <a|div class="image-overlay-text">
(from Image)
Horizontally centres the image overlay text. See the plugin page for examples.
See also: image-overlay-text, bottom, right
Elements: <* class="radio-group">
(from Form)
Horizontally centres the radio buttons in a group.
See also: right, radio-group
Elements: <* class="gallery">
(from Gallery)
Horizontally centres the incomplete last row of an image gallery. See the plugin page for examples.
Elements: <img>
, <svg>
(from Image)
Clips the square image to a circle. Non-square images will generate an ellipse shape.
Elements: all (from Typography)
Adds a float
break before and after the element.
Equivalent style: similar to clear: both;
Elements: <div class="message">
, <p class="message">
(from Message)
Make a message box closable and adds a small close button at the right side. See the plugin page for examples.
See also: message
Elements: <div>
(from Typography)
Defines a source code block.
Sets a monospace, or fixed-width font and a padding for the element and changes its colour and wrapping to match the <code>
See also: monospace, --code-background, --code-padding
Elements: <th>
(within <table class="overflow-columns">
(from Table)
Marks a table column that can be collapsed when the table width exceeds the available space, i.e. overflows. This class is only set for the header cell, not for all body cells. The collapse order of the columns is described on the plugin page. See the plugin page for examples.
See also: overflow-columns, overflow-column
Elements: <div>
(from ColorPicker)
Shows a color picker on the element.
This class has no visible style but is only used in the autostart selector to call the colorPicker()
plugin method on the element.
See the plugin page for examples.
Elements: <input>
(from ColorPicker)
Converts each selected input element into a text field with colour picker button.
This class has no visible style but is only used in the autostart selector to call the colorInput()
plugin method on the element.
See the plugin page for examples.
Elements: <table>
(from Table)
Reduces the cell padding of a table and removes the inner horizontal and vertical grid lines. The default for tables is to have inner horizontal and vertical grid lines between the cells.
Elements: <div class="message">
, <p class="message">
(from Message)
Shows a critical message box.
See also: message, --critical-background, --critical-color
Elements: all
Changes the element to the dark colour theme.
It uses a dark grey background (not black to be easier on the eyes) and a bright text colour (again, not quite white).
Most elements and UI widgets that have this class or are descendants of an element with this class should adapt to the dark theme and change their appearance accordingly.
To put the entire page into the dark theme, apply this class to the <html>
See also: --default-background, --default-text-color, not-dark
Elements: all (from Image)
Inverts the image or other element in the dark theme. This is most useful for icons or logos with a black colour on a white or transparent background.
Elements: <button>
, <a class="button">
(from Form)
Changes the appearance of the button to make it pop out and draw attention on it. This can be used for the default action of a form that is invoked when pressing the Enter key, usually submitting the form with the first action like saving the input. It can also be used for Call-to-Action (CTA) buttons that are designed to prompt an immediate response. By default they use a blue colour instead of grey, and have an inverted text colour.
See also: button, caution, transparent, --button-default-background, --button-default-color
Elements: <div class="p">
, <hr>
, <p>
, <table class="p">
(from Typography)
Doubles the element’s top and bottom margin. Sometimes certain elements just need a little more space.
Equivalent style: margin-top: 2em; margin-bottom: 2em;
See also: p
Elements: all (from Dropdown)
Defines a dropdown and makes the element initially invisible.
The element will be shown when the dropdown is opened with the dropdown()
plugin method.
See the plugin page for examples.
See also: bordered
Elements: <div class="message">
, <p class="message">
(from Message)
Shows an error message box.
See also: message, --error-background, --error-color
Elements: <* class="progressbar">
(from Progressbar)
Changes the bar colour of the progress bar to an error colour.
See also: progressbar, warning, success
Elements: <div>
(within <* class="accordion">
(from Accordion)
Expands an item in the accordion at initialisation. See the plugin page for examples and exceptions.
See also: accordion
Elements: <i class="loading">
(from Typography)
Changes the animation speed of the rotating loading indicator to fast.
Elements: all (from Form)
Marks the element that contains the validation error message for a specific input field. See the plugin page for examples.
See also: input-validation-error, --validation-error-text
Elements: <td>
(from Table)
Specifies that the table cell is in the first visible table column.
The default selector for the first column fails if there are hidden columns further left.
In this case, use this class to correct the table style.
It is not used for <th>
elements because they normally have a background colour where the padding is still needed.
This class is set automatically with the F.updateFirstLastColumn()
Call it on the <table>
element after changing the visibility of table columns.
See also: last-column, first-row
Elements: <tr>
(from Table)
Specifies that the table row is in the first visible table row. The default selector for the first row fails if there are hidden rows further up. In this case, use this class to correct the table style.
This class is set automatically with the F.updateFirstLastRow()
Call it on the <tbody>
element after changing the visibility of table rows.
See also: last-row, first-column
Elements: <* class="tabs">
(from Tabs)
Sets the display: flex
style for the tabs container and allows stretching it and scrolling in a tab page.
See the plugin page for examples.
See also: tabs
Elements: all (from Form)
Hides a form field that no user should fill out and bots love. The input element that this class is applied to should stand alone with no supplementary labels and not in the standard form row layout because those would not be hidden. The server-side script can check if something was entered into this hidden field and then reject the form data as spam. Because a user could not fill out the hidden field, the form must have been submitted by a bot.
Elements: block (from Form)
All fields in a standard form layout are placed in an element with this class. This class generates normal 3-line form rows with labels and (optional) validation messages. See the plugin page for examples.
See also: form-single-row, no-validation
Elements: block (from Form)
All fields in a standard form layout are placed in an element with this class.
This class generates a layout without labels or validation messages, just input fields.
It also allows custom responsive layouts.
See the plugin page for examples.
The field gap can be removed with the additional narrow
Elements: <div class="modal">
(from Modal)
Expands the modal to use almost the full page.
Added in v2.1.0
Elements: block (from Page)
Keeps content to the full page width and adds a horizontal padding on the left and right side. See the plugin page for a comprehensive description of this class.
See also: page-width, --page-width-padding
Elements: <table>
(from Table)
Expands the table to the full available width. Normally, a table will only use the width it needs for its content.
Equivalent style: width: 100%;
Elements: <img>
, <svg>
(from Image)
Expands the image to the full available width, limited to the window height.
Elements: <div class="buttons">
, <span class="buttons">
, <span>
(within <div class="buttons">
or segmented-input
(from Form)
Places multiple buttons in a form buttons row or a segmented input together without a gap between them. Instead, a separator line is displayed between the buttons. This indicates that a group of buttons belong together. See the plugin page for examples.
See also: buttons, radio-group, segmented-input, --button-group-separator-color
Elements: <div class="message">
, <p class="message">
(from Message)
Aligns an icon at the left side of a message box and indents the text so that it remains aligned. See the plugin page for examples.
See also: message
Elements: <svg>
(within buttons)
(from Form)
Uses the same spacing for inline SVG graphics as for icon font icons.
Also sets the fill
style to match the button’s text colour.
See the plugin page for examples.
Elements: <div>
(from Typography)
Displays an icon or loading indicator (as <i>
element) with a text label below, horizontally centered.
Use it in a structure like this:
Elements: <* class="segmented-input">
(from Form)
Places an icon at the left end of the text field in the segmented input. See the plugin page for examples.
See also: segmented-input, icon-right
Elements: <button>
, <a class="button">
(from Form)
Removes the icon spacing for the icon in a button.
This should be added to the button when it only contains an <i>
icon and no text to avoid centering issues with the icon.
See the plugin page for examples.
See also: icon-right
Elements: <* class="segmented-input">
(from Form)
Places an icon at the right end of the text field in the segmented input. See the plugin page for examples.
See also: segmented-input, icon-left
Elements: <button>
, <a class="button">
(from Form)
Sets up the icon spacing for a placement of the icon at the right side of the button.
The <i>
icon still needs to be after the button text, it will not be moved there with this class.
See the plugin page for examples.
See also: icon-only
Elements: <div>
(from Image)
Horizontally centres the child image. Limits the image to the full available width and the window height. Used with image captions. See the plugin page for examples.
Elements: <div>
(from Image)
Expands the child image to the full available width, limited to the window height. Used with image captions. See the plugin page for examples.
Elements: <div>
(from Image)
Places the child image at the left side floating besides the text. Used with image captions. See the plugin page for examples.
Elements: <a>
, <div>
(from Image)
Defines a container for an image with a text overlay. See the plugin page for examples.
Elements: <div>
(from Image)
Places the child image at the right side floating besides the text. Used with image captions. See the plugin page for examples.
Elements: <div>
(from Image)
Defines an image grid with 2 columns. See the plugin page for examples.
See also: image-x3, image-x4, double-gap, narrow-left, narrow-center, narrow-right, narrow-x2
Elements: <div>
(from Image)
Defines an image grid with 3 columns. See the plugin page for examples.
See also: image-x2, image-x4, double-gap, narrow-left, narrow-center, narrow-right, narrow-x2
Elements: <div>
(from Image)
Defines an image grid with 4 columns. See the plugin page for examples.
See also: image-x2, image-x3, double-gap, narrow-left, narrow-center, narrow-right, narrow-x2
Elements: <div>
(within <* class="accordion">
(from Accordion)
Indents the the content of the section to the same horizontal position as the header. See the plugin page for examples.
See also: accordion
Elements: <label>
, all that contain a checkbox
(from Form)
Indents the label text for a checkbox so that it is aligned with the beginning of the first line, next to the checkbox.
This changes the style of the target element to display: block
See the plugin page for examples.
Elements: <div class="message">
, <p class="message">
(from Message)
Shows an information message box.
See also: message, --information-background, --information-color
Elements: <* class="progressbar">
(from Progressbar)
Places the progress bar in a line with other content.
See also: progressbar
Elements: <* class="carousel">
(from Carousel)
Moves the item indicators inside the carousel items. See the plugin page for examples.
See also: carousel, small-indicator
Elements: <input>
, <select>
, <textarea>
(from Form)
Indicates that there is a validation error in this input field. See the plugin page for examples.
See also: field-validation-error, --validation-error-background
Elements: <span>
(within <a|div class="image-overlay-text">
(from Image)
Inverts the colours of the image overlay text. See the plugin page for examples.
See also: image-overlay-text
Elements: <p>
(from Typography)
Justifies the content of a paragraph to be aligned at the left and right edge, except for the last line.
Equivalent style: text-align: justify;
Elements: all (from Form)
In a parent element with the form-row
class, it marks the element that displays the label of a form input field.
See the plugin page for examples.
In a parent element with the segmented-input
class, it marks an element that contains static text that is placed besides the input field.
If combined with the no-background
class in this context, the border and background of the label are removed.
See also: form-row, segmented-input, --input-label-background
Elements: all (within <div|span class="buttons">
(from Form)
Vertically centres a text label in a buttons row. See the plugin page for examples.
See also: buttons
Elements: <i class="loading">
(from Typography)
Changes the size of the rotating loading indicator to large.
See also: loading, medium, small
Elements: <* class="progressbar">
(from Progressbar)
Changes the size of the progress bar to large.
See also: progressbar, tiny, small, big
Elements: all (from Typography)
Increases the font size of the element a bit.
See also: smaller, --larger-font-size
Elements: <button>
, <a class="button">
, all
(from Form)
Increases the font size and additionally the padding, and thereby the size of the button a bit.
When added to other elements, all buttons that are a descendant of it have the same effect.
This allows adding the larger
class once for a parent element instead of multiple times for each button.
Elements: <td>
(from Table)
Specifies that the table cell is in the last visible table column.
The default selector for the last column fails if there are hidden columns further right.
In this case, use this class to correct the table style.
It is not used for <th>
elements because they normally have a background colour where the padding is still needed.
This class is set automatically with the F.updateFirstLastColumn()
Call it on the <table>
element after changing the visibility of table columns.
See also: first-column, last-row
Elements: <tr>
(from Table)
Specifies that the table row is in the last visible table row. The default selector for the last row fails if there are hidden rows further down. In this case, use this class to correct the table style.
This class is set automatically with the F.updateFirstLastRow()
Call it on the <tbody>
element after changing the visibility of table rows.
See also: first-row, last-column
Elements: <p>
(from Typography)
Aligns the content of a paragraph on the left side.
Equivalent style: text-align: left;
See also: center, justify, right
Elements: <table>
, <td>
, <th>
, <tr>
(from Table)
Aligns the content of a table cell on the left side.
This can be used to override a table with the center
or right
Equivalent style: text-align: left;
Elements: <img>
, <svg>
(from Image)
Places the image at the left side floating besides the text.
See also: right, narrow-left, narrow-right, narrow-center, narrow-full-width
Elements: <button>
, <input>
(from Form)
Changes the appearance of the button to let it look like a regular hyperlink (<a>
However, they are not quite the same because their text selection and drag behaviour remains unchanged and differs from that of real hyperlink elements.
See the plugin page.
See also: --link-color, --link-text-decoration
Elements: <i>
(from Typography)
Displays a rotating loading indicator in the element.
The size can be changed with the small
, medium
and large
See also: --loading-color
Elements: <i class="loading">
(from Typography)
Changes the size of the rotating loading indicator to medium, which is a bit smaller than the default.
Elements: <ul>
(from Menu)
Defines a menu. See the plugin page for examples.
See also: vertical, right, both, text, submenu-arrow, submenu-dots, active
Elements: <div>
, <p>
(from Message)
The base class for message boxes. Should be combined with one of the severity level classes.
See also: critical, error, warning, information, success, transparent, icon, closable
Elements: all (from Modal)
Defines the content of a modal.
The element will be hidden.
It only becomes visible when opening the modal with the modal()
plugin function.
See the plugin page for examples.
Elements: all (from Typography)
Sets a monospace, or fixed-width font for the element.
See also: code, --monospace-font-family, --monospace-font-size
Elements: block (from Form)
Removes the field gap in a single-line form layout row.
See also: form-single-row
Elements: <button>
, <a class="button">
(from Form)
Unsets the minimum width that is usually set for buttons using the Frontfire style. Usually a button has a minimum width of 75 pixels to ensure it has a good touch surface even for very short labels. With this class, the button can shrink to a square size (as wide as it’s tall). This can be used for buttons that only contain an icon with no text.
Elements: <* class="selectable">
(from Selectable)
Unsets the minimum width that is usually set for selectables. See the button section above.
See also: selectable
Elements: <img>
, <svg>
, <div>
(from Image)
Aligns the image in its own row horizontally centred, below the minimum screen width specified with a require-*
The image must be normally floating, using the left
or right
For <div>
elements, used with image captions or image grids.
See also: narrow-left, narrow-right, narrow-full-width
Elements: <img>
, <svg>
, <div>
(from Image)
Aligns the image in its own row horizontally expanded, below the minimum screen width specified with a require-*
The image must be normally floating, using the left
or right
For <div>
elements, used with image captions.
See also: narrow-left, narrow-right, narrow-center
Elements: <img>
, <svg>
, <div>
(from Image)
Aligns the image in its own row at the left side, below the minimum screen width specified with a require-*
The image must be normally floating, using the left
or right
For <div>
elements, used with image captions or image grids.
See also: narrow-right, narrow-center, narrow-full-width
Elements: all (within button within <div|span class="buttons overflow-buttons">
(from Form)
Shows a button icon only when the button text was hidden due to width overflow. See the plugin page for examples.
See also: overflow-buttons
Elements: <img>
, <svg>
, <div>
(from Image)
Aligns the image in its own row at the right side, below the minimum screen width specified with a require-*
The image must be normally floating, using the left
or right
For <div>
elements, used with image captions or image grids.
See also: narrow-left, narrow-center, narrow-full-width
Elements: <div>
(from Image)
Reduces the number of columns in an image grid to 2, below the minimum screen width specified with a require-*
Elements: <* class="label">
(within <* class="segmented-input">
(from Form)
Removes the border and background of a static label in a segmented input.
See also: label, segmented-input
Elements: <* class="accordion">
(from Accordion)
Removes the background colour from the accordion section headers. See the plugin page for examples.
See also: accordion
Elements: <table>
(from Table)
Removes the outer border of a table. The default for tables is to have a border.
See also: no-grid, no-outer-padding
Elements: <input>
(text fields), <select>
, <textarea>
, <* class="selectable">
(from Form, Selectable)
Removes the border of an input element.
See also: underline, transparent, selectable
Elements: <* class="progressbar">
(from Progressbar)
Removes the border of a progress bar element. See the plugin page for examples.
See also: progressbar
Elements: <* class="tabs">
(from Tabs)
Removes the border of a tab container. See the plugin page for examples.
See also: tabs
Elements: all (from Typography)
Removes the default bottom margin of an element.
This allows using paragraphs <p>
as last element within a box, like a modal or tab.
Equivalent style: margin-bottom: 0;
See also: no-top-margin, no-vertical-margin
Elements: all (from Autostart)
Disables all Frontfire styles on HTML elements without a CSS class and also disables the automatic application of Frontfire plugins at page load time. See the plugin page for a more detailed explanation.
Elements: <table>
(from Table)
Removes the inner horizontal and vertical grid lines of a table.
The default for tables is to have inner horizontal and vertical grid lines between the cells.
This is a combination of the no-hgrid
and no-vgrid
See also: no-border
Elements: <table>
(from Table)
Removes the inner horizontal grid lines of a table. The default for tables is to have inner horizontal and vertical grid lines between the cells.
Elements: <* class="accordion">
(from Accordion)
Removes the icons from the accordion section headers. See the plugin page for examples.
See also: accordion
Elements: <table>
(from Table)
Removes the outer cell padding towards the border of the table, but leaves the inner cell padding between cells intact.
This is most useful in combination with no-border
and without any cell background colours.
It aligns the table content horizontally exactly with the surrounding text.
See also: no-padding
Elements: <table>
(from Table)
Removes all cell paddings of the table. It aligns the table content horizontally exactly with the surrounding text.
See also: no-outer-padding
Elements: <input>
(text fields), <select>
, <textarea>
(from Form)
Removes the left and right padding of an input element with the underline
Elements: <* class="segmented-input">
(from Form)
If the input field within a segmented input has the no-padding
class, it must also be set for the parent segmented input element.
See also: segmented-input
Elements: all (from Typography)
Removes the default top margin of an element.
This allows using the headers like <h2>
or paragraphs <p>
as first element within a box, like a modal or tab.
Equivalent style: margin-top: 0;
See also: no-bottom-margin, no-vertical-margin
Elements: all (from Page)
Disables all transitions of elements with this class and all of their descendants (children, recursively).
Elements: <* class="form-row">
(from Form)
Changes a form layout row so that no elements for the field validation message need to be inserted. See the plugin page for examples.
See also: form-row
Elements: all (from Typography)
Removes the default top and bottom margin of an element.
This is a combination of the no-top-margin
and no-bottom-margin
Equivalent style: margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0;
Elements: <table>
(from Table)
Removes the inner vertical grid lines of a table. The default for tables is to have inner horizontal and vertical grid lines between the cells.
Elements: all
Reverts the element from the dark colour theme back to the light theme.
This class is primarily meant to switch a small part of a mainly dark-themed element back to the light theme, for example a light content panel in a dark sidebar on a light page.
Changing to the dark theme within an element with this not-dark
class is unsupported but might work sometimes.
See also: dark
Elements: all (from Typography)
Prevents all white-space collapsing or line wrapping in the element.
Equivalent style: similar to white-space: nowrap;
See also: pre-wrap
Elements: all (from OffCanvas)
Defines the content of an off-canvas panel.
The element will be hidden.
It only becomes visible when opening the off-canvas with the offCanvas()
plugin function.
See the plugin page for examples.
Elements: <button>
(within <td class="overflow-column">
(from Table)
Marks a button that opens the modal that contains the content of the collapsed columns.
This button should also have the narrow
and icon-only
classes and contain a single <i>
See the plugin page for examples.
See also: overflow-columns, overflow-column
Elements: <div|span class="buttons">
(from Form)
Enables the overflow shrinking of a buttons row. See the plugin page for examples.
See also: narrow-only
Elements: <th>
, <td>
(both within <table class="overflow-columns">
(from Table)
Marks a table column that contains the overflow button. Only a single column in a table must have this class, and all cells of the same column must have this class. See the plugin page for examples.
See also: overflow-columns, collapsible-column, overflow-button
Elements: <table>
(from Table)
Enables the overflow columns of a table. See the plugin page for examples.
See also: collapsible-column, overflow-column, overflow-button
Elements: <div>
, <table>
(from Typography)
Adds a paragraph’s default top and bottom margin to the element that would otherwise have none.
These elements cannot be used within a <p>
element to use their vertical margin.
Instead, add this class to the element.
Equivalent style: margin-top: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em;
See also: double-margin
Elements: block (from Page)
Restricts content to the default page width and adds a horizontal padding on the left and right side. See the plugin page for a comprehensive description of this class.
See also: full-page-width, center (for <html>
), --page-width, --page-width-padding
Elements: all (from Typography)
Prevents all white-space collapsing and preserves line breaks in the element.
Equivalent style: similar to white-space: pre-wrap;
See also: nowrap
Elements: all (from Progressbar)
Defines a progress bar. See the plugin page for examples.
See also: error, warning, success, no-border, tiny, small, large, big, button, inline
Elements: all (from Form)
Groups multiple radio buttons together with a gap between them. See the plugin page for examples.
See also: group, center, right
Added in v2.1.0
Elements: <button>
, <input type="button">
(from Form)
Makes each selected button trigger repeated click events while being pressed. See the plugin page for examples.
Elements: <* class="nowrap">
(from Typography)
Resets the white-space: nowrap;
style of the element when the screen size is below the width of a desktop or laptop monitor.
The standard width limits of these responsive layout classes are:
Device class | Screen width range |
Smartphones | 0–540 pixels |
Small tablets (7–8") | 541–760 pixels |
Tablets | 761–900 pixels |
Desktop/laptop monitors | 901–1200 pixels |
Wide monitors | 1201 pixels up |
These values are also made available in the CSS variables that start with “--breakpoint-”.
Elements: <* class="sticky-aside-container">
(from Typography)
Unfloats the side element and frees the side column when the screen size is below the width of a desktop or laptop monitor.
Elements: <* class="form-row">
(from Form)
Places all fields of the form row on a separate line, i.e. below each other, when the screen size is below the width of a desktop or laptop monitor.
See also: form-row
Elements: <img>
, <svg>
, <div>
(from Image)
Un-floats the floating image, optionally with a caption, when the screen size is below the width of a desktop or laptop monitor. For image grids, the number of grid columns is reduced.
See also: narrow-center, narrow-left, narrow-right, narrow-full-width
See also for all: require-minitab, require-tablet, require-wide
Elements: <* class="nowrap">
(from Typography)
Resets the white-space: nowrap;
style of the element when the screen size is below the width of a small tablet.
Elements: <* class="sticky-aside-container">
(from Typography)
Unfloats the side element and frees the side column when the screen size is below the width of a small tablet.
Elements: <* class="form-row">
(from Form)
Places all fields of the form row on a separate line, i.e. below each other, when the screen size is below the width of a small tablet.
See also: form-row
Elements: <img>
, <svg>
, <div>
(from Image)
Un-floats the floating image, optionally with a caption, when the screen size is below the width of a small tablet. For image grids, the number of grid columns is reduced.
See also: narrow-center, narrow-left, narrow-right, narrow-full-width
See also for all: require-tablet, require-desktop, require-wide
Elements: <* class="nowrap">
(from Typography)
Resets the white-space: nowrap;
style of the element when the screen size is below the width of a regular tablet.
Elements: <* class="sticky-aside-container">
(from Typography)
Unfloats the side element and frees the side column when the screen size is below the width of a regular tablet.
Elements: <* class="form-row">
(from Form)
Places all fields of the form row on a separate line, i.e. below each other, when the screen size is below the width of a regular tablet.
See also: form-row
Elements: <img>
, <svg>
, <div>
(from Image)
Un-floats the floating image, optionally with a caption, when the screen size is below the width of a regular tablet. For image grids, the number of grid columns is reduced.
See also: narrow-center, narrow-left, narrow-right, narrow-full-width
See also for all: require-minitab, require-desktop, require-wide
Elements: <* class="nowrap">
(from Typography)
Resets the white-space: nowrap;
style of the element when the screen size is below the width of a wide desktop monitor.
Elements: <* class="sticky-aside-container">
(from Typography)
Unfloats the side element and frees the side column when the screen size is below the width of a wide desktop monitor.
Elements: <* class="form-row">
(from Form)
Places all fields of the form row on a separate line, i.e. below each other, when the screen size is below the width of a wide desktop monitor.
See also: form-row
Elements: <img>
, <svg>
, <div>
(from Image)
Un-floats the floating image, optionally with a caption, when the screen size is below the width of a wide desktop monitor. For image grids, the number of grid columns is reduced.
See also: narrow-center, narrow-left, narrow-right, narrow-full-width
See also for all: require-minitab, require-tablet, require-desktop
Elements: <i class="loading">
(from Typography)
Reverses the animation direction of the rotating loading indicator.
See also: loading
Elements: <p>
(from Typography)
Aligns the content of a paragraph on the right side.
Equivalent style: text-align: right;
See also: center, justify, left
Elements: <table>
, <td>
, <th>
, <tr>
(from Table)
Aligns the content of a table cell on the right side.
This can be used to override a table with the left
or center
Equivalent style: text-align: right;
Elements: <img>
, <svg>
(from Image)
Places the image at the right side floating besides the text.
See also: left, narrow-left, narrow-right, narrow-center, narrow-full-width
Elements: all (within <a|div class="image-overlay-text">
(from Image)
Places the image overlay text at the right side. See the plugin page for examples.
See also: image-overlay-text, bottom, center
Elements: <* class="radio-group">
(from Form)
Aligns the radio buttons in a group on the right side.
See also: center, radio-group
Elements: <ul class="menu">
(from Menu)
Moves all menu items to the right end. See the plugin page for examples.
Elements: <* class="gallery">
(from Gallery)
Aligns the incomplete last row of an image gallery to the right side. See the plugin page for examples.
Elements: all (from Tabs)
Extends the tab container to the height of the tallest tab page so that the container will not resize when switching tab pages. See the plugin page for examples.
See also: tabs
Elements: all (from Form)
Wraps an input element with a label that is placed before or after the input field, or with an icon that is placed at the left or right end within the input field. See the plugin page for examples.
See also: label, icon-left, icon-right, group
Elements: all (from Selectable)
Makes the child elements in each selected element selectable. See the plugin page for examples.
See also: no-border, transparent, narrow, selected, wrap
Elements: all (from Selectable)
Highlights the matching text of a selectable item during text search. This class is used by the selectable plugin and should only be redefined to change the highlighting appearance. It should not be used on elements directly.
See also: selectable, selectable-search-no-match
Elements: all (from Selectable)
Highlights the longest matching text of a selectable item during text search, if there is no full match. This class is used by the selectable plugin and should only be redefined to change the highlighting appearance. It should not be used on elements directly.
See also: selectable, selectable-search-match
Elements: all (within <* class="selectable">
(from Selectable)
Marks a selection child item as selected.
This must only be used for selectables that are not bound to an HTML <select>
See the plugin page for examples.
See also: selectable
Elements: <img>
, <svg>
, <* class="image-overlay-text">
(from Image)
Adds a slight drop shadow to the image to make it pop out a little.
Elements: <html>
(from Page)
Disables the background blur filter of the background dimmer for devices with reduced rendering power.
See also: Frontfire.dimBackground()
Elements: all (from Slider)
Creates a slider control for the element. See the plugin page for examples.
Elements: <i class="loading">
(from Typography)
Changes the animation speed of the rotating loading indicator to slow.
Elements: <i class="loading">
(from Typography)
Changes the size of the rotating loading indicator to small.
See also: large, loading, medium
Elements: <* class="progressbar">
(from Progressbar)
Changes the size of the progress bar to small.
See also: progressbar, tiny, large, big
Elements: <* class="carousel">
(from Carousel)
Displays the carousel item indicators at a reduced size. See the plugin page for examples.
See also: carousel, inline-indicator
Elements: all (from Typography)
Decreases the font size of the element a bit.
See also: larger, --smaller-font-size
Elements: all (from Sortable)
Makes child elements sortable. See the plugin page for examples.
Elements: <a>
(within <ul class="menu">
(from Menu)
A link with this class will not close the submenu it is contained in. See the plugin page for examples.
See also: menu
Elements: all (within <* class="sticky-aside-container">
(from Typography)
Defines the element to place at the side with a sticky position. See the plugin page for examples.
See also: sticky-aside-container
Elements: all (from Typography)
Defines the position scope of a sticky aside element. See the plugin page for examples.
See also: sticky-aside, aside-left
Elements: <table>
(from Table)
Keeps the table header of a table visible at the top of the viewport while scrolling down.
The sticky position is applied to <th>
elements in a <thead>
element, so use these properly.
The vertical offset is defined in the CSS variable --sticky-header-top
and can be changed to keep the sticky header below a fixed page header.
Equivalent style: position: sticky;
Elements: <li>
(within <ul class="menu both">
(from Menu)
Expands an empty menu item to fill the gap between left-aligned and right-aligned items. See the plugin page for examples.
Elements: <ul>
(from Menu)
Adds submenu indicator icons in the form of an arrow. See the plugin page for examples.
See also: menu, submenu-dots
Elements: <ul>
(from Menu)
Adds submenu indicator icons in the form of dots. See the plugin page for examples.
See also: menu, submenu-arrow
Elements: <div class="message">
, <p class="message">
(from Message)
Shows a success message box.
See also: message, --success-background, --success-color
Elements: <* class="progressbar">
(from Progressbar)
Changes the bar colour of the progress bar to a success colour.
See also: progressbar, error, warning
Elements: all (from Tabs)
Defines a tab container. See the plugin page for examples.
See also: active, same-height, no-border
Elements: <table>
(from Table)
Expands all table cells to a minimum height that is the same as if there was a <button>
element in the cell.
This is increases the clickable or touch area of a link.
Elements: <li>
(within <ul class="menu">
(from Menu)
Defines a menu item that has no <a>
See the plugin page for examples.
See also: menu
Elements: <i class="loading">
(from Typography)
Changes the width of the rotating loading indicator to thick.
Elements: <i class="loading">
(from Typography)
Changes the width of the rotating loading indicator to thin.
Elements: <* class="progressbar">
(from Progressbar)
Changes the size of the progress bar to tiny.
See also: progressbar, small, large, big
Elements: <input type="checkbox">
(from Form)
Indicates that the checkbox shall be replaced by a toggle button that switches between an active and inactive state with each click.
This class has no visible style but is only used in the autostart selector to call the toggleButton()
plugin method on the element.
See the plugin page for examples.
See also: --button-active-background, --button-active-color
Elements: <input type="checkbox">
(from ToggleSwitch)
Indicates that the checkbox shall be replaced by a toggle switch that switches between an active and inactive state with each click.
This class has no visible style but is only used in the autostart selector to call the toggleSwitch()
plugin method on the element.
See the plugin page for examples.
Elements: <table>
, <td>
, <th>
, <tr>
(from Table)
Vertically aligns the content of a table cell at the top.
Equivalent style: vertical-align: top;
See also: bottom
Elements: <input>
(text fields), <select>
, <textarea>
, <* class="selectable">
(from Form, Selectable)
Makes the background of an input element transparent so that a parent background image shows through.
See also: no-border, underline, selectable
Elements: <button>
, <a class="button">
(from Form)
Makes the background of a button transparent. This makes the button very unobtrusive so it can be used for back-out actions like a cancel button that leaves the form without saving changes.
See also: button, default, caution, --button-transparent-background, --button-transparent-color
Elements: <div class="message">
, <p class="message">
(from Message)
Shows a transparent message box. Only useful for text indenting in combination with an icon, or when closable.
See also: message
Elements: <input>
(text fields), <select>
, <textarea>
(from Form)
Removes the border of an input element on all sides but the bottom.
This creates the simplified style of a paper form that only provides a single line whereon to write.
The remaining left and right padding can be removed with the additional no-padding
See also: no-padding, no-border, transparent
Elements: <* class="segmented-input">
(from Form)
If the input field within a segmented input has the underline
class, it must also be set for the parent segmented input element.
See also: segmented-input
Elements: <span>
(from Typography)
Rotates the text to be vertical from the bottom upwards. This is especially useful for table headers with narrow columns (example).
Elements: <ul class="menu">
(from Menu)
Sets the menu orientation to vertical. See the plugin page for examples.
See also: menu
Elements: <div class="message">
, <p class="message">
(from Message)
Shows a warning message box.
See also: message, --warning-background, --warning-color
Elements: <* class="progressbar">
(from Progressbar)
Changes the bar colour of the progress bar to a warning colour.
See also: progressbar, error, success
Elements: <* class="modal">
(from Modal)
Expands the width of the modal container to the full window.
Elements: <* class="selectable">
(from Selectable)
Allows the content of a selectable item or its dropdown button to wrap if the text does not fit in the horizontal space.
See also: selectable